
Jamat Khal-inat

while walking down on the street, James took out a cigarette and burned it, As he looked around he saw walls covered with many ancient drawings of cats and pharaohs his eyes focused more on one inscription specifically "لقد تقدمت على أرض بلا عودة" He read it aloud what does that mean a voice echoed in his ears just then " When times right find me and leave ."

It sounded familiar to James it was a voice which he could easily recognize

was it his dad?

he threw the half cigarette and started to leave, While walking in the dark Ally he knew it was too late

these desserts get colder in the night as hot they are in the morning

From behind he could hear a moan of Arabian horses,

He took out his sword which was hidden behind his back - and it was heavy

James thought to himself I guessed it was light but mother ape ass it's heavy

The infantry came closer and closer it looked as if they were just coming for him and with a glance, he was covered by men's some looked high ranked some looked less rank

Then one man came in front you have been summoned by the king His highness and Royal king of the whole desert "Jamat Khas Rang "

That his name James looked at him asked "looks like I don't work for your king "

well if you don't work for him we have no use for you and by looking at how you have held the sword you have never killed anybody with it right

so "what if I have never killed anyone " James with a furious look

The officer yawned and said something in Arabic to his men's the caught James and took his sword away

It was made clear James is somewhat important for the king

In the palace

shinning with Crystal clear gold plated it indeed looked like some kings palace

on the middle, there was a chair with golden lions statues and above there head an hand was visible of the weakest king ever you could imagine

with a feminine voice he spoke ."well well looks like the fish is in the trap "

continued ~

next chapter 21 Feb 2020