
The Hell-Bound

let's go inside :- Said James

Nicole followed and so did Rath unknowingly the entered the place where none shall be destiny to come

James : You must be flattered to come all the way till here

Nicole : Aye! this place stinks

Rathh : What do you think of this place ? Some people say it to be worst a bit more like Hell-Bound*

the entered the tunnel there were numerous drawings inscribed along with it

James : Little do I know bout these what a fancy they are ?

Rathh : So you don't know the story ?.

James looked at the rathh

Nicole : I heard the wise say there was the boat which takes the people to the skies or underground according to the vessel of there sins

Rathh looked at them

rathh : Aye

James so what's the connection of the gifts ?

there are 11 gifts as mentioned

The apple of Eden

the ankh

the trishul

the lightning bolt

the penny of Witcher

the wand of bloodlust

the cloak of speed

the Merlin cap

and the hammer of Thor and love boat

these all gifts if in had of person together he will become invincible indefatigable and immortal forever

in other words he will become the god or depends on his soul


and according to our source your father has


HELLBOUND with two gifts or maybe more we don't know