Light in Darkness

"The king has just announced that you will marry prince Toghon of Yuan," Hung Dao said.

Princess Thien Thanh heard this and lost all of her strength. Her legs couldn't stand up straight, and she fell. Hung Dao quickly launched to her and caught her in his arms.

"But why? Why so suddenly?" she began to cry.

Hung Dao quickly explained to her about Champa refusing to send tributes and the Khan requested Dai Viet to let the army through to punish Champa.

"That is between Yuan and Champa, why do I have to become a sacrifice for things Dai Viet didn't even involve with?" Thien Thanh was still crying.

"My dear Thien Thanh. The Yuan is always hungry for Dai Viet. If the Khan is really paying attention to Champa, he can just send the ambassador there instead and they will send tributes right away. The Khan is using this to try to conquer Dai Viet. If we allow his army to travel inside of Dai Viet, they can start the war from the inside. But if we disobey his demand, the Khan then can attack because we disobey him," Hung Dao explained.

"If that is so, then it doesn't matter if I marry whoever it is."

Hung Dao hugged the princess"That is not quite true Thien Thanh. I must haven't known that Toghon was titled Prince Zhennan (Prince of South Suppressing). He is in charge of the south of Yuan. If you marry him, then he can talk with Khan and resolve the situation. That is what the king must be thinking."

Princes Thien Thanh, still crying, "Even so, I can not just accept his decision. I don't want my future to be in a place where I can not even speak my own language and marry someone that I don't love."

"Calm yourself, Thien Thanh. You and I are just a necessary sacrifice needed for the peace of millions of children of Dai Viet," Hung Dao hugged Thien Thanh again to hide his defeated face.

"I think the king is wrong!"