Once you Enter, You CAN NOT turn back...

"It will lean closer and whisper into your ear ever so softly.

"I shall grant thee thy request. For it is the seed to the holiest of lies. The very lie that brought forth original sin. A great harvest will come about from that seed. A seed that is the very fruit of the knowledge of the good and the evil.

"It is such forbidden knowledge that binds the Creator to the laws of His creation. A way to deceive the eyes of the one who is all-seeing and thwart the mind of the one who is all-knowing.

"But be warned, for if I bestow this wisdom unto thee, forever will it restrain thee to my will.

"Behold, the answer thou seek is: Thou are not of the image."

Then it stops. You are alone in the darkness. Slowly open your eyes. I know you are scared little one, but it is safe now. Get to your feet. The great altar has split open and revealed an entrance that allows you to proceed onward. The pain in your side must be getting worse by now. I can see a protrusion the size of an apple has formed on your side. You don't have much time. Enter the altar and move on.

You enter a large opening with a dark ravine separating you and a structure containing stairs leading up to what appears to be a temple. From the ravine grows thick blackthorns that slightly sway, even though there is no wind. Their points glisten with a substance that can only be poison. Do not get too close. In the center of the ravine is a single pathway that jets up from the thicket of needles and thorns that will provide you safe passage to walk upon.

The pathway ends at the far end to the foot of the stairways of the temple. At the top of the stairs, there will be four thrones where the ones known as The Four Living Creatures reign. They are covered with eyes, in front, and in the back, and they look down on you with an unnerving, mischievous stare. The first living creature is that of a lion, the second is like an ox, the third will have the face of a man, and the fourth is like a great eagle. Each of the four living creatures will have six wings covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. At the foot of each creature, a body on its knees chants continuously before them.



"Kavauda sarava paraākarama."

"Savaāmaīna vana daevaiyana."

"Vana atara."

"Vana atara."

Their faces look up to the sky with their arms pulled and stretched outward by barbed shackles embedded in their flesh. The manacles stretch and contort their limbs to mimic the act of eternal worship. Its flesh is bleached white and heavily scarred from head to toe. It wears a blood-red smock from its waist down to its feet and holds dirty curved blades in its hands. Branded on their backs is a rune that bears the resemblance of a cross with hooked ends. Consider yourself fortunate they have their backs towards you, and their mutilated faces are obscured from your view.

They are the Bi'ish. Cautiously move past them.

The Bi'ish were four men; great kings and leaders of the world. They ruled vast lands that ran red with innocent blood from every man, woman, and child who had the misfortune of being born into their kingdom. The four kings were like grown children, spoiled and naked; fighting each other, biting and gnawing at the tits of their great mother, Earth. Her face beaten and scratched from when they would feed so viciously. They knew only to gorge on her black milk that flowed from deep within her bosom. Their greed and decadence; their very existence offended all who could peer into your world.

Their wicked lives were ended the day they were raptured and bound like statues within the walls of this great temple. They must now worship The Four Living Creatures as they once commanded others to worship them in life. They suffer now, as their kingdoms suffered. For every son and daughter who found death from fighting the wars they created, their skin is blistered and torn, and their eyes are stung with the venom from the tails of a thousand scorpions. But be warned, if they are awakened from their trance and given the use of their limbs once again, one can be well assured they will not be pleasant.

In unison, the four creatures will hold up a key, each with a unique emblem on its end and speaks.


"Choose now."

"Choose once."

"Choose quickly."

The first creature that looks like a lion will offer you its key and say, "Acquiesce."