NEW Drop

*Drip drip drip* Feeling drops of water hit my head. I can't help but be confused about how leakage is happening. My confusion however changes to worry as I feel the amount of water increasing and it starting to move toward my outlet connected to my setup. Quickly reaching toward it trying to get the cable out before it messed up my electronics.

*𝗭𝗮𝗽* *𝗣𝗼𝗼𝗳*

Thinking of how much pain my body was going through I wanted to scream. However, my thoughts quickly went blank as I passed out.


Slowly regaining my thoughts I notice I'm in an unfamiliar room. Noticing a board in front of me I get closer to read what it says.

[Well you died. Write down three wishes you want. You will be transported to the show "The Walking Dead". No this is not a joke when you finish writing your wishes put finished at the bottom. You will be sent away after your wishes and you choose your looks.]

No way this is happening! But let's think, there's no way I survived the electricity, I think. So even if this is just my imagination I should just go along with this. Now what to do for the wishes. I will need to be able to move around places, not waste bullets, and most importantly be able to use anything as a weapon skillfully. Whose skill/knowledge is better for this than the man known for killing three people with only a pencil. So that's my first wish now what will I get for the other two.

Okay, now that I will have the skills and knowledge I will need a body that can keep up with all these skills. So my second wish will be to have peak human body conditioning. This means I will have peak human strength, durability, speed/agility, stamina, reflexes, and high pain tolerance. This will not only make me super strong, but I will also be able to move quickly and get to places others can't and I won't be out of the count with only a few bruises. Most importantly I will need less rest to get my stamina back.

That is my second wish down. Now it gets complicated for me. How do I wanna live this life? Because I have pretty much all I need for survival at this point, so now the question was do I want a super cheat that could make my life way too easy or some other wish that can be helpful but not a cheat.

After a while, I made up my mind on choosing the cheat. Although I would rather not use it to survive since I think it would be cool to survive without it. But I would still love a backup plan nonetheless.

Finishing writing my last wish, everything goes black for a second then a body pops up. Seeing the body with no features I thought of one of the coolest looking characters, Archer from Fate/Stay Night. Quickly a tall dark skin male took the place of the featureless body.

Quickly accepting these looks everything once again went dark. This time however there seemed to be a bright light pointing straight at my closed eyes resulting in me opening my eyes. Looking around it seems as if I am in an abandoned building due to the cracked windows.

Getting up and approaching the closest window I can't help but feel surprised. Although I was told I'd be coming to this world I still had my doubts. In front of me was a horde of zombies going towards a tank in the middle of the street.

*Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang*

Five consecutive gunshots rang out from the street in front of me, straight from the tank. I knew what this scene was. In the final moments of season1 episode 1, where Rick Grimes in all his glory riled up a horde and got surrounded. Although idiotic he did get to meet his family due to it so ahh it was worth it for him I guess.

This however brought an issue to me. Should I join his group or not? Hmmm, I wanted to since I can meet my crush from this series with their help. Finishing my thought process I started heading down getting ready to follow after him as soon as he heads toward Glenn.

After a few minutes, I see the tank hatch open. I open my door and sneakily run after him. As I get closer I see a few walkers behind him. Although I had no weapons, well not to be cocky or anything but I'd consider myself a weapon. Well back to the topic although I had no weapons I sent a high kick to the closest sending him a ways back. As I did the same to the second Rick Grimes seems to finally hear me over the sound of his gunfire.

"Yo," I say as he turns around causing him to look at me with even more confusion but continuing going toward the alleyway.

As we get to the alleyway Rick seems to get startled by Glenn and points the pistol to his head.

"I'm not dead! I'm not dead!" Glenn says, practically screams nervously.

As we start to head toward the ladder now I quickly close the gate behind me, as a gentleman should, causing the horde coming from the main road to stop. Getting to the ladder we climbed up. Getting to the platform they could finally catch their breath, well Glenn and Rick.