
As she heard this she just looked at me with a pondering gaze yet continued anyway. As she took out my dick her expression quickly changed to a surprised and amazed expression.

Looking at her I say. "You can prep it up if you want. I'll only drive for a few more minutes before I stop on the side." As if only waiting for my permission she lowers her head and puts it in her mouth.


As I lay on the bed I look on top of me and smile. There was the lady I gave this body's virginity to. I didn't regret it to be honest, as I looked at her peaceful face while hearing a light snoring, I tried not to wake her. Getting up to start driving I head toward the camp that they have set up. I'm very glad I asked where the camp was before we decided to start our little adventure.

Driving slowly so as to not wake her, I head toward the camp. Only after an hour do I arrive at the bottom of the quarry. However I decided to wake Andrea up before I met the others as I will need her.

"Andrea. Andrea." I call out to her lightly.

"Hmm what do you want?" She answers groggily.

"We are near the camp already. I don't think it's appropriate to meet them with you like this in the van." I tell her as I shamelessly stare her up and down as her blanket falls.

"Oh your right. But before that should we go for another round?" She asks as she opens her legs wide open to seduce me.


————Twenty minutes later————-

Now pulling up to the camp I see most of the group gathered. Even the group form the city. It seems as if we took too much time for ourselves. Ehh who cares.

"Yo. Guess you guys made it before us." I say to Rick.

"Ahh well we only got here so quickly cus you drew away most of the herd." He says gratefully.

"Hahaha I'm glad to be of help. Where is Merle though?" I ask, seeing as he wasn't here.

"He got stuck on the roof. Dropped the key on accident but I chained up the roof so the geeks don't get to him." T-Dog says.

While we were having this conversation Andrea and her sister are talking. Seems like the little sister was worried, I guess she has a right to be. I'm just a random person that everyone from this group met just today.

As the time passed I introduced myself to everyone. However I didn't spend time with them and just headed back to my van. Before going though I told Andrea, "Hey I don't know where you and your sister sleep, but y'all can take the bed I will sleep on the front seat." Getting a nod and a thank you in response I go to the van and keep it unlocked.

Being in a van was boring with no electronics. So I decided to play with my cheat. The cheat I chose is the most overpowering thing I can choose, especially in a world like this where supplies are important. As I thought of how to use it the instruction just came into my head abruptly. Now knowing I just had to imagine what I wanted I couldn't help but feel excited to use it to arm myself. Thinking of the first gun that came to mind, a fully customized white Tactical Ruger 10-22 rifle appeared on my hands. It had a suppressor, a silver extended mag release, and a 25x2 ruger mag.

Although not a very powerful gun, it is not very loud and can get the job done of killing zombies. After making this gun I quickly hide it in one of the cabinets with a bucket full of .22 rounds.


As I see everyone start going to their tents I hear the door open and Andrea and her little sister coming in.

"Hi. Make yourselves comfortable." I tell both of them, mostly Andrea's little sister.

"Ah, hi. I'm Amy Andrea's little sister thank you for letting us sleep here." Amy introduces herself a bit awkwardly and goes to the bed. Andrea however comes and sits next to me.

"Yo." I greet her

"Hey. You find anything that might be of use here?" She asks trying to find something to talk about.

"Yea. Luckily there's a customized rifle in a cabinet. I guess you really are my luck charm." I say.

"Hmm why though? You still would've found the van without me right?" She says

"Nah. I would've stayed on foot until I got here to be honest. I only chose to get a ride since you were with me." I tell her honestly.

As she hears my answer she just accepts it. Seeing her still a bit tired from today I tell her to head on back with her sister. As she lays with her sister I hear whispering but I tune it out since I didn't want to ruin their privacy. I finally decide to sleep for the first time since I got to this world.
