" Hey Devin, why did you buy this much cameras? There's at least a hundred in here. "
Daisy was shocked to find out that there was a truck load of cameras that was delivered in their house. Daisy had never saw this many camera in a single place in here whole life.
" Well, Anna didn't specify any amount of camera that they needed and she just said YES so I bought a truck load of it. "
Since working for Richard's family, Devin's common sense on spending money had been distorted since the Richard family had bought every single thing they wanted.
Oh look a rare precious treasure? Buy no matter the price.
Wow a once in a lifetime surprise box that you wouldn't even know what is inside and it is very expensive that few people can afford it? Buy!
No matter the price, they would have the money to spend.
It was like they were throwing money everywhere but it was a wonder how they would always get more than they spend.
Because of this, Devin bought all the latest and best cameras there is in the market. There were only limited amount of this in the market per year.
" Well, we could just sell back all the ones we won't use. " Daisy said.
After a few months, since Devin bought all the stock of this camera. Its price skyrocketed and they gained more money from selling the cameras.
Devin called for Anna to tell her that the camera that she wanted was finally here.
" Wow! That's a lot of camera, we only need at most 5 cameras. Why did you buy this many Devin? "
" What do you mean why I bought this many. You didn't specify any amount you dumbass! "
" Haaa? Who are you calling a dumbass you baldy? "
" Who's Bald? You're bald! Your family is bald! " Devin can't accept the fact that he was bald.
When he was young he had a beautiful hair but his hair was burned by a breath of dragon. From his anger Devin beat the crap out of the dragon.
From then on his hair never grew once again. It was Devin's greatest regret of all time.
" Haha, look! The baldy is saying I am bald but clearly his head is reflecting the sunlight! My Eyes! Ahhh! " Anna felt her eyes burn as Devin lowered his head in anger and made the light reflect on Anna's eyes.
" Ha! Serves you right you low IQ neanderthal. "
" You're still bald! " Anna was still able to rebut while covering her eyes.
Being told that he was bald made Devin really angry. Devin's head was turning red from anger.
" Oh look the baldy is angry! He's gonna destroy me in one punch because he is bald! Kyaa help me Madam! " Anna sarcastically hid behind Daisy.
" You!!! "
" I have hair and you do not! "
" Anna! Don't you dare show you face in front of me when you are alone! " Devin was finally triggered.
" Oh what are you gonna do? Blind me with your bald head and force yourself upon me because I was blinded by your baldness? "
Devin's head glowed as his mana ran rampant from his anger making his head reflect light a lot better.
Daisy just watched the two as she was being turned into a shield by Anna. It was normal for these two to fight when they see each other.
But she had already wore a sunglass ever since they started their fight. Anna can't even see Devin's head right now as it was so bright.
" Mom, why is it so bright out here? "
Ron finally arrived and he covered his eyes with his hands as it was too bright.
All of a sudden Daisy, Anna and Devin returned back to normal. Calm and friendly, like nothing had ever happened at all.
" Wh? What happened? I was sure that it was so bright out here. "
Ron was surprised by the sudden disappearance of the blinding light.
" It's nothing Ron and look! The camera that you would need for live streaming is finally here. " Daisy picked up Ron and showed him the camera.
" Wow! That's a lot of camera! We only need at most 5! Why did we get so many. "
Devin fired a mana needle towards Anna's back, it was very painful as Anna almost shouted before being able to cover her mouth.
" Anna what's wrong? "
" It's nothing Young Master. " Anna smiled wryly, covering the pain she just went through.
" Anna! Let's go! We can finally do that live streaming now! " Daisy put Ron down and Anna took his hand.
" Yes Young Master, let's go! Hey Baldy! Get us 5 cameras in the gaming room. "
" Anna who is Baldy? " Ron didn't know they had someone named Baldy around here.
" Oh My! Did I say Baldy I meant Devin! " Anna looked at Devin mockingly.
Devin was already clenching his fist and gritting his teeth from anger. But he was only able to carry the cameras that they needed and follow them.
" Oh Okay! Let's go! "
And so Devin, Anna and Ron went to the Gaming Room of Ron.
Daisy pinched her chin while looking at the remaining cameras.
" Hmmm, what am I going to do with this? "
Daisy started to think what she could do with the cameras since it was already here.