
" Hey Richard, did you get a map for this place? We might get lost. "

When they walked for a few meters, Daisy saw that it was hard to find your directions in the forest as it was full of trees.

It will be hard for them to navigate without knowing where they are. Daisy was worried that they might get lost in this place.

" Oh yeah! I almost forgot about a map! Haha! Good job remembering that My Love. Stay here, I'll get a map. "

Richard came back to where they came from and everyone waited for him to return. Since it will take time for Richard to come back, everyone took their time to look around and search for some beasts they could find. Maybe shoot some for fun since they came here to hunt anyway.

Ron took out his rifle and took out its magazine to check whether it has bullets or not.

His father had always told him to count how many bullets is loaded in the gun or how many bullets he shot. It could be a matter of life and death when he runs out of bullet in a middle of a fight.

" Ron, the beasts here are weak. Use a normal bullet, it should be enough. " Steve advised Ron.

Steve was Ron's grandfather and naturally he was interested to see whether Ron can hit something or not.

' They said Ron is a genius who can learn something really fast. I wonder if it is true or not. '

" Yes Grandpa! "

Ron took out another set of bullets, this time this bullets were not enhanced by mana.

Seeing that it was loaded, Ron got ready to shoot and proceeded to find his target.

Ron's eyes moved around in search of a perfect target, he found a rabbit lazily chewing a piece of grass.

Ron moved to a spot where he can see the rabbit perfectly without any obstructions between him and his prey.

He took a deep breath and aligned his sight with the rabbit. He steadied his grip and focused, his hand was not shaking at all as he took his time to aim at the body of the rabbit.

' Hoh! He has a really great focus. Looks like he truly is a genius. ' Steve was amazed by how Ron was not shaking and his complete focus.

' But it would be bad at this rate if he focus tok much on a single object but completely forgetting about the sorrounding. '

Sometimes, one might be too focus on killing something forgetting the fact that there would always be something that was trying to kill them too.

Steve continued to watch Ron, he noticed that Ron was trying to shoot the bigger part of the rabbit which is the body and not the head.

' Hoh, this kid is really smart. '

The body is bigger than the head and so it was better to shoot it than to go for a headshot.

Ron slowly pulled the trigger and!


Ron missed the rabbit for only a few centimeters. He wasn't used to the recoil of this gun as he used a stronger bullet when they shot the giant bird down on top of the airplane.

' Hoh? He missed? He should've hit that one. It's probably the recoil. But it's still amazing how close it was even though he missed. '

The rabbit noticed that it was almost shot to death and ran away for its dear life, the other beats nearby also ran away when they heard the sound of the bullet hitting the ground.

" Haha! You almost hit that thing Ron! Don't be disappointed, you'll hit the next one. "

Steve rubbed Ron's head as he comforted the kid.

They heard footstep and it was Richard who came back with a map.

" What? What did I miss? " Richard asked when he saw Steve rubbing Ron's head.

" Nothing, just that Ron missed his target by a few centimeters. I'm sure he'll hit the next one. " Daisy, who was hugging Snow said.

" Haha, don't be sad Ron. I'm sure you'll hit the next one. Anyway I have the map, this place is really big. " Richard spread open the map, Daisy and Steve went closer to see it.

" Hmm, so that's why I can't feel any mana beast nearby. 500 meters away from the gate is a safe zone where there is no mana beasts. " Steve said when he saw the green spot of where they are standing in the map and the legend at the side.

" Hmmm, the place where the S Rank or higher mana beasts is the red zone. Let's go to that place to hunt. " Richard said.

Since they were already here, they wanted to hunt something big.

" Okay then! Let's go deeper now! "

With map in hand, everyone went deeper in the forest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Snow looked around and thought that this was a familiar place. She had felt that she was here before.

' Wait, isn't this where I was born? Are they going to leave me here? Noooo! I don't want that! I want to be pampered until the day I die! '

" Awwwww! Awwwwwww! "

Snow started to shout for mercy, she didn't want to get separated from this people who pampered her! She didn't want to return home! She didn't want to return to the place where the only thing she could do for fun was watch her friend getting boned!

" Oh my? What's the matter Snow? Are you hungry? Here, eat something. " Daisy gave her a piece of food.

Snow took it and got silent, Daisy laughed at her.

" Hehe, Snow you really love to eat huh. "

Snow kept chewing on the food in here mouth. Completely forgetting about being abandoned.

" Hmm, Richard, are we already at the red zone? I can already feel the presence of S Ranks here. "

Steve could already feel the presence of strong beasts around here. The strongest one he could sense was SS Rank.

" Let's see, there should be a lake up front. Oh there it is! Yeah, we are already at the Red Zone alright. Let's hunt in this place. "

Richard stopped and tried to find a flat land where they could put their tent.

" This place is perfect, now let's get ready to hunt! "

Everyone prepared their equipment for hunting. Daisy was pulling out all the defensive equipment she had brought.

" Wait Daisy why did you bring that thing? That thing can block 5 SSS Ranks for 10 minutes you know! "

" I'm just worried about Ron's safety! I don't want him to get hurt! "

If there was someone here to witness the things Daisy pulled out, they would've wondered if Daisy stole and emptied the warehouse containing the best equipments of a defense equipment manufacturer.

If someone managed to snatch just one of the thing Daisy pulled out then they would be set for life.

" Fine! fine! Anyway! Let's start shooting! Let's compete who can shoot the most prey! " Steve excitedly shouted.

" Haha! Let's do it you Old Fart! " Richard accepted the challenge.

" Ohhhhh! " Ron was excited to shoot something.

Daisy shook her head watching the men in front of her carrying deadly guns.

' Hays! Boys! '

Daisy followed the trouble makers.