" Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! " A giant lizard like beast roared on top of a dead gorilla, the Gorilla was the owner of the territory and now it belonged to the lizard who defeated the gorilla.
It raised its head proudly and shouted to the sky, showing his dominance to all the other beast in his territory.
The beasts nearby ran away in fear, they didn't want to anger the new king of this territory.
While the lizard was shouting towards the sky, something hit it in the head and blasted its head off.
The sorrounding beasts freezed as they watch the body of the new king fall to the ground with its head blown apart.
Realizing that something more dangerous than the lizard had appeared. All the beast around ran away for their lives.
Some parts of the ground started to get blown away as bullets hit nothing but the ground.
" Haha! Look Dad! I hit it! " Ron excitedly jumped up and down as he finally got his first kill.
Ron might be the only child in the world who was able to kill SSS Rank at age 1 and won't have any trouble killing any S Ranks and up mana users.
" Haha! Of course you hit it! You really are good at this Ron. " Richard was proud of Ron even though he wasn't able to hit something when the sorrounding beasts were running for their lives.
Ron was the one who blew away the head of the lizard.
' But isn't that too much? Does a bullet really do that much damage? Did he use an explosive one instead of penetration? ' Richard wondered what bullet Ron used as the damage was too much.
" Ron, what bullet did you use? " Richard asked Ron.
" I am using the explosive bullets Dad. Even if I can't hit them, as long as it explodes near them then it will stun them creating me some time to shoot another one. I learned it in a game. " Ron proudly shared his knowledge.
' Wow, you really can learn so many thing with video games huh. '
Suddenly, everyone saw the body of the lizard twitch. It's hand started to move around.
" Wow, it's still alive with that much injury? How tough is that thing, let's shoot it again. " Steve was amazed by the tenacity of the lizard.
Steve shot at the lizard's chest, aiming for the heart. His bullet penetrated the chest and hit it right in the heart. Steve had a very strong senses, he was able to locate a fly 500 meters away. It was easy for him to locate a beating heart.
The lizard stopped moving after being hit.
" Well! It's totally dead right now. Let's go pick it up. " Steve confidently stood up and took the lead to go towards the corpse of the lizard.
Standing in front of the corpse, Steve gave it a kick to check if it was still alive. He waited for a while before turning and shouting.
" Hey! It's very dead! " Suddenly, the tail of the lizard flipped and smashed towards Steve.
Steve was able to jump away in time before getting crushed by the tail.
" Woah! That was close, this lizard is really tough. Fighting back even though it is already dead. "
There were some animals that would fight back even if they were already dead like how snakes would bite someone even though it's already dead.
" Father, is it already safe to be near that thing? " Daisy said worriedly, already holding Ron by the side. Ready to pull him back whenever she sense danger.
" Ah I don't know! How should I know! I'm not a lizard expert nor am I a lizard! Let's just leave it here for the other beasts to eat. Let's go find another beast to hunt. "
Everyone decided to leave the body of the lizard alone. They didn't know if Ron might get hurt or not because of it.
It was better to be safe than do something when they were already in danger.
A few minutes after everyone walked away, the body of the lizard twitched and slowly it stood up. It's head was slowly regenerating, it was lucky to be alive as its head was not completely blown away.
Some part of its brain was still connected, enabling its heart to beat which made Steve shoot it. It also still has the strength to regenerate.
Soon, it's head was completely regenerated. It looked as good as new as it started to sniff the ground. It was a vengeful beast, it wanted revenge to those who almost killed it.
Soon, it was able to smell some unfamiliar smell. It was a smell that was unique to everyone, it had never smelled this before.
It was sure that it was the smell of those who tried to killed the lizard.
The lizard sniffed repeatedly, burning the smell in its brain before slowly moving away. It wa still weak as it just regenerated.