The Giant Lizard was wondering around, flicking it's tongue once in a while to search for that familiar scent those humans who almost killed him gave off.
It's companions were following it while the Dragon was left behind as it was too big to follow them. It's every step would cause a minor earthquake which would definitely alarm those humans.
The Lizard would only need to shout for the signal and the Dragon would come flying towards them.
' Ah! I can smell them! They're close! Just wait until I get my claws on you Humans. ' The Lizard was excited and it continued to walk faster.
" Stupid Lizard, are we there yet? I'm starving! It's been a while since I ate a Human. " The Crocodile said while following the Lizard.
" We're close to them, I can smell them! I will never forget that smell! " The Lizard said.
The Snake who was on top of the Lizard's head flicked its tongue.
[ Author : In case you didn't know, Snakes and some Lizards use their tongues to smell their pray. ]
" Hmmm, I can definitely smell some humans nearby. There's 4 of them and one of them smells very delicious. " The Tiny Snake said.
" Really? Then let me have that delicious human! " The fish that had human like legs said.
" No! That delicious human is mine! " The Crocodile said.
" Haha, you guys can discuss who that human will belong to. I just want the heart. " The Tiny Snake said.
The heart was this specie of snakes food hence the name Heart Eating Snake.
Even though it is very tiny, it can instantly kill a human in a second with its venom.
Upon hearing their trusted little snake that there is a delicious human nearby. They started to run towards their prey.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Meanwhile, Ron and his family was at the side of the lake sitting and waiting for a fish to bite.
Daisy was sunbathing on top of a foldable bed. She looked so relax, a complete contrast to when she looked like she would eat a bear alive a few minutes ago when a fish ate that adorable deer.
Meanwhile, Richard and Steve were cleaning their guns and checking if there were bullets loaded inside.
They were completely oblivious to the fact that there was a vengeful Lizard that was gonna hunt them.
Ron was picking up rocks at the side. Richard had taught him how to skip rocks a while ago and he was totally in it.
Ron threw a rock towards the lake and it bounced 80 times.
Richard who was watching Ron was shocked.
' Holy Shit! My best record is 53 bounces and Ron is already at 80? And he had only been doing it for minutes? ' Richard thought that his son was a monster.
" Hey My Love, are you sure that Ron is genuinely our biological son? Are you sure that he wasn't swapped with a child of god? " Richard asked Daisy.
" Darling, don't worry I have questioned that in the past so I went on to test his DNA and it's real that Ron is our child. " Even Daisy can't believe that Ron was their child too.
Even though Ron was treated with the most valuable treasures in the world. Daisy and Richard were also treated the same when they were children too. But even so they were not as monstrous as their child Ron. They were not even as half as talented as Ron!
They had been observing his growth very closely as they were almost basically unemployed as their parents or transparent were taking care of the business. So they were able to be with Ron as much as they want.
And the conclusion they had with Ron was.
He was a Monster!
Is this really our Child!
Playing games when he was only a month and a half old? Crawling before turning 2 months? Walking when he was only 2 months and a half old? Being as good as professional gamers in 5 months old?
Most babies weren't even able to crawl at that age! And there is Ron! 1 tapping every enemy he see in an FPS game.
Ron was only months old when he shocked the gaming world!
And his parents? Even though they were geniuses at that age they were only able to walk and run without falling down!
Steve overheard their conversation and looked at Ron, he saw Ron throwing a rock and it bounced a hundred times. He turned around towards his Richard and Daisy and said. " Yep, you should definitely redo the DNA test. I'm pretty sure our family genes are not that talented. "
Even Steve was scared at how monstrous his grandson had become.
" What did you even gave him when he was a baby? What sort of monstrosity did he eat for him to become like that? " Steve wondered how Ron was able to become this talented.
" What did we give him? Well I'm pretty sure we gave him everything that was very expensive and had the highest quality. " Daisy wasn't able to remember all the things they gave to Ron.
" Well I was given the exact same thing by this Old Man and my Mother but why am I not half as good as Ron when I was at his age? " Richard said.
" Yeah, I'm pretty sure I gave Richard the highest quality products when he was a baby. " Steve confirmed.
" Sigh... Let's not question Ron's monstrosity anymore. I'm just gonna do another DNA test when we get home. " Daisy said.
Everyone looked at Ron as if looking at a monster.
Suddenly, everyone heard a fishing rod being pulled by something.
" Haha! I caught something! " Steve hurriedly picked up the fishing rod and pulled.