The sun was setting as i got to my tia's house, i knocked on the door and she looked at me smiling then looked at santi and hugged him tightly.
"Tia i'm going to need you to take care of santi for a while ok?" she looked at me confused, "esta todo bien mija?" she looked over my shoulder and saw the black jeep, the windows were tinted so she couldn't see anyone in there.
I grabbed her face and smiled sadly "si tia no se preocupe okay?" She looked worried but nodded. "I'm giving you this money and i'll be sending some more while i'm gone ok? Le Deje una nota explicando un poco más de lo que está pasando"
i looked at her smiling and kissed her forehead. Then I got down and looked at santi, my eyes were watery but i didn't want to cry, "i love you okay? You take care of tia while i'm gone ok? Esto no es una despedida para siempre, pero me voy a tener que ir por un tiempo okay bebés?" he nodded "i love you too rosey"
i kissed his cheek and then his forehead and i ended it with a tight hug.