And then I see everyone from his side point their gun at me, and then I hear commotion from where Miguel is and I see all of them pointing their guns at Luis.
I laugh, "Are you kidding? You'd actually shoot me for exposing you for being gay? Dude I doubt anybody hear would care if you were gay or straight! You're my brother! I would support you through anything!"
I look at him, "I'm right, aren't I? Well of course I am, I overheard you one time. You want me to come with you, after you were ready to leave us for your boyfriend?! Are you fucking serious?!"
I look at Luis and he looks so angry but then smiles sadly, "can you just give me a hug… please? I really just need it." I look at him and guilt just fills me so I hug him and we stay hugging for a few seconds in silence.
But then he whispers in my ear, "I won't allow you to be with the man who killed the love of my life."
He then grabs me and carries me over his shoulder, it happens so fast I didn't have time to think, all I can do is hit his back, "Luis let me go! Miguel! Miguel!"
And then Luis says, "I'm taking her with me! I don't fucking care if shes part of your gang! I'm not fucking allowing it!"
Miguel then yells back, "Put her the fuck down! I swear Luis I will fucking shoot you!" And then I feel Luis turn and start walking towards his men and then he yells to one of them, "go pick my brother up! I'm not letting them near either of them!"
I look at the gun in my hand, "Luis put me down! You won't get Santi because he's already in my fucking room being taken care of by one of the people at the house! Put me down!" And Luis instantly drops me, I fall to the ground with a thud.
"What the hell did you just say?! You took him from my tia!?" He yells, clearly very triggered by this. I slowly get up but Luis kicks me, hitting my rib cage and i fall back down, "Why would you do that?! Are you fucking stupid?!" he yells, i cough up blood and spit on the ground, and yell, "you fucker!"
I jump up and kick Luis in the leg, causing him to fall. I then point my gun at his head, "You're taking this shit too far Luis! You fu-" before i can continue my sentence i hear someone shoot and i jerk my head towards the noise.
The shot came from the people Luis came with and then a man starts walking our way.
As i watch the man walk up to us, as i still point the gun at Luis' head, and then i hear someone coming from behind and when i turn slightly to see who it is, i see Miguel coming my way silently looking at me and then over at the man.
This man looks to be the same age as Miguel, he's wearing white jeans, a black button up shirt, and some black formal shoes. Once he reaches us, he stands behind Luis but doesn't help him up, instead he just stands and slightly smiles at me until Miguel stands next to me, and the man then looks at Miguel.
"Que gusto verte otra vez Miguel." ("Nice to see you again Miguel.") He says stretching his hand out for Miguel to shake, and Miguel shakes it and replies, "Igualmente Edgar." (Same here Edgar")
I watch as they greet each other and I then look down at Luis as he just stares at them and then says, "Edgar I told you i had this handled you didn't have to make an appearance."
The man, Edgar, then looks at Luis and chuckles, "This is what you called handled? Tienes tu hermana apuntando una pistola a tu cabeza y eso es tener todo arreglado?" ("Your sister is pointing a gun at your head and this is what you call handled?")
He looks over at me and points to where my other arm is holding to where I was kicked, "Estas bien?" ("Are you okay?") I nod, "Who are you?" i ask, looking at him suspiciously, and then Miguel answers the question, "He's the leader of Los Estrellas."
And he signals me to put the gun down so i do as i'm told. Luis then gets up and starts to charge toward me but Edgar stops him so Luis stands next to him.
Then Edgar stretches his hand out so i naturally am about to shake it when he grabs my hand gently and kiss the back of my hand.
Both Miguel and Luis look at him, clearly annoyed but i look at Edgar and he smiles and winks at me so i just smile in return, blushing a little. Miguel then looks at Edgar, "Me quieres explicar porque te llevaste a uno de mis hombres?" ("Wanna explain why you took one of my men?")
I look over at Edgar and he shakes his head, "That wasn't my doing, Luis here figured you took his sister hostage so he acted on rage and found out where some of your men were so he intervened in your mission I'm guessing, and took one of your men. I came myself to apologize for the childish behavior of one of members."