Father and Brothers

I really thought I could get some of my well-deserved rest today. I imagined a hot bath in my bathtub and a nap. Nothing too excessive, the same thing I'd do back in my past life after a long day.

But I guess I should've hold my expectations next time, because nothing good comes out if you stay an optimist. There's a reason why I've always been pessimistic all my life, and why I continue to be one in this world.

After I arrived at the estate, I told the maids to prepare a bath and tidy up my bed. On the way to my room, Clifford and Flint held me back and pulled me into a room with my servants staying outside.

"Just because you played a hero and saved the Princess doesn't mean the Royal Family will open their hands for you. Protecting them in dire times is to be expected." Flint clicked his tongue, leaning on the beam lazily as he eyed me up and down.

Oh gee, like I asked your opinion about it.

"Did you think Prince Gerard would treat you any differently because of your heroic yet idiotic act? How naive, little sister." Clifford crossed his arms and stared me down.

If only I'd still get intimidated by that, big brother. I maintained my expressionless face because there's no need to put an act for these bastards and stood there in the middle of the room, my maids and personal guard waiting outside the door.

This is a high schooler's way of intimidation. Corner the victim in a room and proceed to taunt them and break down their psyche.

Sucks for them because I am the master of this tactic, therefore the master is unimpressed by their display of skills. If I ever found out Clifford and Flint is in the interrogation division for the Palace, I would be severely disappointed in their performance to break me down.

Because they're shit.

I walked towards the nearest sofa and dropped my ass on it, crossing my legs for the dramatic bad bitch effect.

"For your information, brothers, I already asked for our engagement to be canceled. His Majesty Emperor Cain already agreed." I rested my face in my palm and smiled gracefully, hoping I get them infuriated.

Both of them blinked several times at my announcement, making me drop my smile and question if I got my point across. I get that Emilia was head over heels for that unfaithful scumbag, but the fact that she stood up for herself shouldn't be that surprising. She was always haughty and confident, she knows her worth and stood tall in the noble circle.

The fact that she let herself be played by the Royal Family is the one's that mind boggling. I'm just staying true to her character and making sure I survive by the end of this story. Even if it means chucking away some undeserving characters into the flames, I'd do it.

"Do you need me to repeat it? My engagement with Prince Gerard is canceled by personally requesting for it to the Emperor. He agreed to it." I stated it with a more stern voice, making sure I sounded serious.

The eldest sibling, Clifford, snapped out of his daze and stared at me with an incredulous look. He seemed mad so at least I reached my initial goal to infuriate them.

"You pestered father endlessly to be engaged to the Prince, now you're saying the engagement's cancelled after you asked for it once from the Emperor? Do you know the humiliation this family will face because of your actions?" He raised his voice at me, slamming the nearest flat surface he could find.

"It will be known I was the one to ask for it's cancellation and besides, everyone who is nobility knew how the Prince treated me while I was his fiancé. He fooled around with countless of women and wasn't ashamed to flaunt it publicly. The amount of shame I'd face by marrying him after what he had done is incomparable!" I yelled back, standing up from the sofa.

"He's the Prince! He's allowed to fool around, because you aren't even married yet!" Flint's voice made an appearance, booming in the room that was filled with tension.

"When I would merely converse with a male noble, everyone talks about how much of a whore I am and how I'm being unfaithful to my fiancé while he's busy groping some other woman. Are you saying just because he's a Prince, he's allowed to step all over my heart and pride like that?" I snapped my head at Flint, who was glaring at me with unadulterated rage.

Flint left his post and walked towards me, stopping when our faces were inches from each other.

"Well, isn't that what you are? A whore, just like your mother." Flint's voice suddenly dipped down into a lower growl, snaring at me like a beast.

I quickly gripped on my fists, holding myself back from slapping his face. How dare he, how dare he said that when him and his older brother are one of the reasons why Emilia's mother committed suicide. The nerve of this man to be able to say such a thing in my face baffles me.

"Flint Maxwell!" A new voice suddenly greeted the three of us.

The Marquis was at the doorway, face stiff and furious. I backed away from Flint with a flinch, glaring at him before I face my whole body towards Marquis Maxwell. I pulled myself together and hurriedly curtsied to the man.

"Father, I'm sorry for worrying you last night. My injury is already healed, not even a scar–"

"Is it true?"

It took a second for me to realise he just cut me off but I didn't catch what he said.


He looked at me with an indecipherable gaze before he repeated his question.

"Is it true? You said that you canceled your engagement with the Prince after requesting it from the Emperor." He asked me calmly, a big contrast on how he just yelled at his own son just then.

Quite unnerving, if I had to be completely honest.

"Yes, father, it's true. But you have to understand, how can I stand being trampled over like that? I couldn't take it any–" I shut up because of the warm embrace he engulfed me in.

I had to turn my head up to see his shoulder obstructing my view for me to realise that indeed, for the first time since he took Emilia into his home, Marquis Maxwell was embracing his daughter warmly. Emilia wasn't used to it, and so was I. My own father died when I was young back in my past life, but my mother made it up to me and my younger sister for his absence by catering for us and loving is with all her heart.

Even though my mother really did her best, I still couldn't shake off the feeling of yearning for a father's love. So the fact that here right now, I was being embraced so lovingly and gently–is this what it felt like?

My hands found his back, and I held him firmly. I was overwhelmed, Emilia was overwhelmed. I had to carry this emotion for two people, and it's a miracle I didn't burst out crying from how hard Emilia's heart was throbbing.

"I always wanted you to marry someone you love, yes, but Prince Gerard, he–it was clear he didn't treat you well. I didn't want you to marry a man that treated you like that, Emilia. So forgive me for saying this, but I'm glad your engagement is cancelled. I think it's the best for you, and I only want the best for my children." He explained himself after he pulled away for a bit, gently petting my head.

I nodded, quiet because I don't know what to say. I understood why Emilia didn't want to get along with her father, but seeing how much he loves her, I wondered how she was able to hardened her heart for him. This man was always trying his best for her and I couldn't just let his efforts go to waste. That's just pitiful.

"Father, the news of the cancellation is going to taint the Maxwell name. She is going to humiliate us on the upcoming ball to welcome the new head of the Godfrey family." Clifford grounded, trying hard to seem unfazed at me and our father's embrace.

I let go of the Marquis, letting him take a step forward to answer his son's question.

"What's the more humiliating rumor– The Lady of the Maxwell Family cancelling her engagement with her unfaithful fiancé or a Prince who is still continuing his affairs out in the open despite already having a wife?" The Marquis asked calmly yet again, making his sons think about his question.

Clifford and Flint thought about it for the longest minute and backed down, finding some truths in what their father was trying to say. Clifford sighed while Flint turned his head away from his father and sister. I had to held back my sigh, because I was trying to tell them the same thing. Still, the Marquis got the point across better than me, and for that I am grateful.

"Emilia, you must be tired. You are excused for now but make sure to appear for dinner." The Marquis smiled softly and held my shoulder.

I nodded again and excused myself out of the room. Before the guards completely closed the door, I glanced at the brothers.

Sheesh, talk about having assholes for siblings. What rotten luck Emilia has in the brothers department.