Episode 16 - Fiore

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction, all name, characters and 2events that had happened in real life is only pure coincidental. The anime fairy tail, magi,Ouran and some characters that are not created by the author belongs to their rightful owner. Please do take note, that all characters that are not owned by their rightful owner is owned by the author's imagination, along with its plot.

©️All Rights Reserved



Third Person's Point of View

"Five..." Lucia trailed off eyeing the entire map of Fiore and five oversized dots that covers five areas on the map while her friends lay to rest at the guildhouse's seats.

"There's one right above Mercurius!" December pointed at the map on the computer from her seat.

Yuta nodded his gazr focusing on another dot on the map. "Mt. Hakobe is covered on the map."

"But we found Stella there." A confused Azule stated approaching Yuta. "Is it possible for two lacrima to appear at the same place twice?" He added.

"Well, for now nothing came up in Clover canyon though." Archive inspects the map closely stated.

"Although the city where Sabertooth's guildhouse rest is now covered though." Steel stated while taking a closer look on the map which was then shoved away by both Hiiru and Raven that was looking at where he previously gazed.

"Well, can't say condolences to your city now after finding out that Lamia Scale's guildhouse is also covered." Archive stated in a joking manner with the intention to light up the mood. "And the last one... huh?"

His sudden change of tone made almost everyone inside the guildhouse turn to face his direction which was the stadium.

"This location..." He trailed off, the tone of his speaking immediately causing Lucia to follow where his gazing.


"Fairy Tail's mother island. Tenroujima?" Yoru asked in confirmation but careful as to not raise his voice to not awake the resting Kiara and Sofya on the infirmary. Being one of the generals of Dragoria and one of Mystic's loyal followers, he was one of the first to aid the Princess.

"Can you name any changes in the weather?" Raven requested sitting beside his sister that was calmly sitting at one seat with her exceed in her lap.

"Starting with Mercurius." Archive started enlarging the location of Crocus where the palace of Mercurius rest. "The central city, Crocus is under a drastic sandstorm."

In an instant, worry filled Raven's being upon seeing the state of Crocus in a drastic state from the computer.

"Body inside the lacrima has been identified as the queen of Aquria, Queen Aquria Lockser."

"Auntie..." Azule trailed off eyes growing wide as he watch the figure of her aunt and her magic covering the entire Crocus with her Magic. Archive then continued switching the map next to Mt. Hakobe.

"The snow in Hakobe has turned to sand."

The gasp coming from the guild members wasn't left unheard upon seeing the state of the noe deserted Hakobe.

"Body identified as Michael Demise, first prince of Enid."

Gaia's eyes remained lock on the lacrima her breath hitching in process.

"Sabertooth's guildhouse along with the city is now under a stormy predicament. Body identified as the 2nd prince of Enid Lucifer Demise."

This time, not only did Gaia sighed in frustration, but also inwardly cheered as the idea of the two prince of her kingdom overwhelmed her.

"The state in Lamia Scale isn't also very friendly. Under a snowstorm. Body identified as the fifth general of Dragoria, Bunny Racer."

December's rabbit like ears perked up at the sound of her sister's name listening as Archive continued the updates.

"Tenroujima's state is unknown, but the body is identified as the current guild master of Fairy Tail... Lux Dreyar."

The deafening silence around the guild immediately ceased as cheers from the Fairy Tail's members was the only thing that could be heard echoing around the entire place. And of course, the members of other guilds give them enough amount of time to do it. The cheering ended quickly though when the members specifically Natsuki, Azule and Steel went for a sudden silence.

So, what's the plan?"

Archive turned to look at the blonde girl snuggled up beside her brother.


The girl looked back and smiled.

"Well, there is one thought."


Rushed steps of each guild members along with the sound of the wheels from the lacrima carriage echoes one after another as rushing members from different guilds runs from every corner of the streets knocking at every door of three different cities.

"Evacuation huh..." Archive trailed off with a smirk watching as some members of different guilds rush off to rescue almost every individual around the area. "Not bad. With this, you guys are free to run and create havoc."

"Now all that is left is to prepare the squad that'll destroy the barriers." Archive sighed. "Why are we short on people now of all times."

"I'm just glad Cristina is ready for battle at such a critical time." Lucia chuckled.

The archive mage didn't respond anymore taking a seat at one of the guild's seat to close his eyes and remember how Lucia laid out the plan.


Archive Laytes' Point of View

"Our very problem here isn't the barriers anymore but the citizens."

It may seem as though it's not the issue, but Lucia just made a crucial point.

"Our main concern is the people's safety." She started. "Afterall, we guilds are created for that purpose."

Murmurs of agreement can be heard from everywhere around us.

"So the first priority is to rescue the people"

"And how do we do that?" Yoru questioned glancing at the infirmary where both Sofya and Kiara rest.

"On that case, we need almost a lot of Lacrima carriages. Starting first by dividing all members here, one group for rescue, one for the barrier and last is of course the dragon slayers."

The silence of the members encouraged her to continue discussing.

"The rescue team will use their magic energy on leading the people to another area of safety. With lacrima carriages, the rescue will be more quicker but takes a toll on their energy which will lead them to almost zero energy left to help with the barrier breaking.

"But in a short amount of time? Even reaching the place with the carriage is enough to take a lot of time." Beatrice pointed out.

"Don't worry about that." Lucia stated with a grin. "We have a ride!"


"Who knew she meant Cristina v18." I said to myself with a sigh.

"Cristina is on its way back here!" Poison announced eyes never leaving the map that I laid out on the guilds stadium.

"Right! Barrier breakers team and Dragon slayers Prepare for take off." I yelled gesturung at the first six people that Lucia assigned which was Azule, Gaia, Areol, Natsuki, Raven and Hiiru.


"Our first target is Mt. Hakobe." Lucia pointed into the map. "And our main weapon of breaking the barrier is Cristina herself."

"Well, Fuyumi, Nagaya and Gust are the one in charge of driving." I added. "It'll be a big loss on their magic energy."

"Don't worry." Areol reassured wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "That's exactly why Lucia assigned me here." He added with a grin.

"Lucia, Rune knights being led by Tyrant-san are now scattered around the area."

"All is according to the plan then." Lucia smirked to herself.

"Cristina has landed."

"All remaining people inside the guildhose." Archive called out standing from his seat calmly both hands resting upon his pockets. "Prepare for take off!"