
"I'm your new neighbour~"

I glanced at the black-haired beauty with a smile.

She wore a large white t-shirt and black high-socks reaching mid-thigh as it exposes some of her pale skin. I wondered if she wore any pants? Still, I'm not that desperate nor perverted to peek.

She had a long black disordered hair only covering her right eye and has an ample chest with a beautiful eye colour of purple that is practically enchanting. She was a real beauty.

"Oh, I see,"

She replied monotonously, but that didn't bother me much. I spoke and with a more cheerful smile.

"Here you go~ the cake taste pretty good you know~"

I handed the cake, she took it... and slammed the door leaving me standing.

"She doesn't seem that flustered with my appearance?"

I was confused, normally they would stand on their spot and look at me in a daze and she just lightly blushed?

"Even the Gods wouldn't be spared, does she walk straight?"

. . .

"Achoo-!... Eh? Is someone talking about me?"

I look at the cake he gave me. I only gazed at it for a while and set it in the fridge to eat for later.

"Seriously though, he is God damn attractive. what the hell, even the supermodels from the web looks absolute garbage..."

While I was praising the unrealistic boy, I hop on the couch, open my laptop, then stare at the blank sheet with an empty title.

I held my hands above the keyboard and gawked at the screen.

The deadline is next Monday and today is Friday... uhhhh—

I plopped on the couch, thinking, thinking of what to do.

Then I thought of that boy, I blushed a little, 'I think I got an idea.'

. . .

Ding... ding...

"Uh... another visitor?" I held up my arms and gripped the couch to elevate me. I got off the couch and walk towards the door.

Ding... ding...

"Wait! So, impatient," I walked faster.

When I reached the door, I opened it, but what greeted me was a black package and a symbol of a triangle on it, 'I never ordered anything?'

It was already dark, I stared at the box that was lightened by my home lights, I tried picking it up.

"Hmph-!" I tried again and failed again. I looked at the box wondering why it's so heavy. Also, there is no name attached to it?

'I should ask if this is his package?'

I slip in my footwear then walk towards his door which is just to the right of my apartment room. I should have showered... do I look fine? Damn it... why am I worried? I'm just going to ask if this is his package or not. Before I start talking to myself, the door I was walking towards was in front of me.

'I-I should knock,' I clenched my hand and lightly knock the door... No one answered. I knocked again, but this time the door opened on its own.

'Why do I feel like going inside?... This reminds me too much of an anime.'

I took off my slipper, then walked inside.

'I'm violating the law, but it's okay, he wouldn't kick me out would he?...' I looked around noticing furniture already filled the area.

I noticed a room. Something is oozing a weird smell? It weirdly attracts me. But, before I continue to break the law, someone grasped my hand.

I panickily turned around, but my vision turned blurry with my back beginning to sense pain. Next thing I noticed, I was on the ground.

'Ow... What the hell— hii!'

before I could struggle and rant, I saw those light eyes again... but not the gentle eyes that greeted me, it felt more like ravaging beast.

He was on top of me, I should be blushing and making squeaky noises, yet it didn't happen, it's because I'm terrified.

The aura that emits from him had me frozen, waiting to be feasted, his legs intertwined with mine with both hands connected.

He stared me down, with our face inching closer, now this time I began to become red.

He keeps glaring until his eyes widened, "... Oh, it's you~! The good night we're having~?" He smiled as if nothing unusual was happening.

I stared at him, "... Eh?.."

The next moment, the room was less pressuring and more confusing.

But before I contemplate, I got another business.

"Get off me!"

I kicked him, clearly aimed at his groin, but for reason, it had no effect on him, instead, our legs embraced each other.

"Oh, okay~ but first what are you doing here?"

The words he spoke reminded me why I am here in the first place.

"Ah, that... I think someone left your packaged at my door," I answered him, having a handful of trouble speaking.

"Oh, that's mine, I was wondering where it was~"

"I see... then why doesn't it have your name on it?"

He replied, "It should be at the bottom of it."

I went into thought then let it be, and I thought of another thing, "You know. You didn't tell me your name."

Surprised, he said, "Yomu, Seijin Yomu."

"So, you are Japanese?"

"Yeah, part of it, just came back~"

"My name is Nehime, Natsuko Nehime."

"What a nice name~"



"Get off me!"

. . .

The room where the Sun shone once was brightened again and inside shows a casual-wear girl with determined eyes and driving fingers furiously typing on her laptop.

"Yes... I'm done, I'm dead beat~ Uhh—"


She fell on her back, then she remembered what day it was.

"It's Sunday, the worst day... I can't believe my time is wasted, but at least I finished before the deadline..."

Looking up the ceiling, '... Thanks to that ikemen..."

I got up from the couch and decided to go to sleep again because there is nothing much to do.


"Ugh... for some reason this sound is daily..."

I walk towards the door.

"Good morning, Nehime-tan~," Off with his voice and his penetrating smile.

"Tan? I would let you off saying my name, but tan?" I asked him.

He looks at me with a sad frown, "So I can't use it?" Tears threatening to fall.

"Wah— w-wait I don't mean... Uh, okay, you can use i—"

"Great!" He replied again with his usual tone.




I looked at him, noticing he had outside clothing worn, in a black long-sleeved turtle neck shirt with black jeans and shoes. Then I decided to ask, "So, why'd you come here?"

"Oh, I thought we'd go and have fun~,"

However, before the boy could say more, the door has already settled to close on him.

He stared at the door with his same smile that has yet rubbed off and spoken,

"... Oh... so, that's your response, I guess rare specimens are irregular in their ways..."

But before he turns around, the door opens with a more open-clothing girl, dressed in short blue jeans and a black hoodie with black sneakers, "Let's go, I got nothing to do here anyway."

She turns and leaves first with Yomu looking at her back as he smiles widely and he spoke, "You know, you're a bit shameless."

"Yeah, sure, so, you don't want me to go on your little date? Yomu-chan~?" She faced Yomu with a smirk.

"I never met someone on my level... sure let's go, I wouldn't want to reject the offer," Yomu chuckled.

Nehime blushed, but that was out of Yomu's vision. And with a thought wondering around her head, 'He is dangerous, definitely dangerous.'

. . .

We walked Arakawa city which was the place we live near, I looked at her and seeing her absolute bored expression, "Should we go to Akihabara?"

Nehime went into the thought and replied, "Yeah sure, there was a new manga out that I'd love to read, also why that place? Are you an Anime Otaku?"

Nehime grew a smile after saying 'otaku'.

"I have some interest, also Akiba is fun."

The two walked the road while they conversed, people stared at them... specifically not Nehime, but him.

"Kya~! Does he have—"

"Yeah of course dumbass! Can't you see the person beside him?"

"Ugh, I didn't notice."

A little vein appeared on Nehime's forehead, 'Didn't? I was literally beside him!'

She walked with a little puff of smoke coming off her head, then I touched her shoulder.

"We should go on train~," I smiled.


Walking continues in the direction of the subway. We went down and struggling in a bit crowded subway.

"Ah, looks like it's here," She said.

Wriggling in, the door shuts, I got pushed a little bit, but I quickly gripped my hand on the edge of the door.


I hear a sound, I looked down to see Nehime lying back on the door, "Not comfortable, ey~?" I said in a playful voice.

"Not really, I have you here," She replied with no emotions in her tone.

I looked at her, 'Quite a bold girl.'

She stared at me back, "What?"

"Nothing, I thought you looked cute."


Looking at her indifferently, "... You sure are different."

. . .

Leaving the subway, we arrived at Akiba, for foreigners and normal citizens here to think, an 'Anime-lovers dream place'.

"The place over there! The manga is already on a poster!" She pointed.

To a store she randomly pointed at, I see a poster of a Demon Lord and I think a normal girl?

"What's the story about?" I asked.

"If I remembered correctly, it is a story of a Demon Lord integrating to normal society and he meets a girl..." Thinking, she spoked again, "... that pretty much wraps it up... It's kind of like our meeting, an ultra-rare ikemen meeting a normal girl."

After hearing the story, I went quiet, but I quickly replied while smiling, "I'm flattered, I mostly think of myself normal, the mistake of leaving my door opened is not normal."

"Oh yeah, why was it opened? Did you forget? Or was it some mechanism for defence~?" She joked with a grin to mock me.

"I just forgot, that is all."

"Oh really? I thought it was an excuse to touch me?"

"Not at all~" I smiled to show my usual expression.


Before they continue chit-chatting, they arrived at the store.

"Let's go!"

. . .