
"Nice to meet you everyone~ My name is Seijin Yomu, I'm your new History and Homeroom teacher and a student in Saint Highschool~ Pleasure to meet you all~"

To whatever I thought that the world couldn't get any worse, I jinx it and it did. This is like two combined fan-service I never asked for.

"Your original Homeroom teacher right now 'moved' away as she had some family issues~"

Sure, I hoped you didn't 'persuaded' her.

"Also, I am your Physical Education and English Teacher~"

That's great...

When Yomu presented himself, the whole class behaved like fireworks. Precisely the girls, of course.

"Kya~ the teacher is a student as well~?"

"He's handsome too~!"

While the girls have optimistic responses, the boys... not so well.

"Uhh, why... I thought I could get a girlfriend this time of the week..."

"Too bad, all are already stolen, good thing I have one, wait."

What a way to start class. Yomu went towards the blackboard and wrote the date and topic next to his name.

"Okay everyone, open your notebooks from previous history class and start the World War 2, 'bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki' examination that is the upcoming following of next week," Yomu went to his desk and opened a folder for class.

The class morals fell, retaining memories of a test in the next following week with a new topic to start, everyone had their heads down.

'Heh, at least I did some work on this,' I praised myself.

. . .

The class started peacefully, as Yomu... or should I say, Seijin 'Sensei', wrote word after word for us to copy. After I finished, I sat down and waited for sensei.

"Okay~ close all your notebooks~ let's begin a quiz, to see if you remembered some portions of what I wrote and what you remembered of this topic, now~ let me erase this..."

I watch him erase the words as I lay resting on my chair. To not be bored, I learned how to do tricks on a pen.

"Okay, question one, to know what topic we're on, let's start basic. What is the 'bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki'?..."

I listened to while I whirled my pen, I kept revolving the pen as I immerse myself in the pen-like world. Recalling back at the Student Co. room, Hana spoke regarding something...

"... Meet me back here after school, we will enrol you to a trainer~ you will learn the basic. Remember, this is for their sake, your family, your friends..."

... Reflecting on her words, I pondered what would have happened to me if I didn't meet her there. This prompted my pen to fly off my hand because I failed to catch it.

'Damn it...'

The pen, unfortunately, flew far, I sat at the 3rd back row right next to the window while the pen landed and rolled at the front of the class. If I stand up now, It'd be embarrassing to get my pen.

I planted my face on the desk, 'I'll get that later...'

While I was pretending to sleep, I was tapped on the shoulder. I looked up, unsurprisingly, it was Yomu, since he is the Sensei and stuff, he had the power to walk around.

"Ah, sorry sensei~ I won't sleep again—" I figured why he came here, but he halted my words.

"Oh, that's not the reason~ I noticed your pen~ since I'm already here, why won't you answer the question?" He handed the pen while he smiled.

I stood and answered, "Oh... sure I'll explain, the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement, " I catch a breath, then proceeded, "The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the first and only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict," I spoke quick yet clear.

"Quite detailed Natsuko-san, that is just exactly how the Wiki wrote it~ even though some doubt the website, the sources are accurate~"

I express my surprise, "Hehe~... thank you?" I laughed it off never expecting that kind of answer.

He resumes, "But I commemorate your memorisation since that is what History needs~"

He gets more intimate then caresses my head, "Good job~! I know you listen in class, so keep up the good work~!" He retracted back his hand which left me lost, as he closes his folder and went back to the blackboard.

That one conversation I never thought that had no impact in the class, someone or somehow to spark some forbidden romance that I never wanted to happen.

. . .

"Okay, class ends, you guys have PE after lunch, so get ready for that~"

Class ended fast, with the bell ringing, I used this time to buy some food.

"Natsuko! Do you know the new teacher?"

Catching the voice of a girl, and knowing the reason why I intended to leave class, It was Noritsugami Yuna or just Yuna. She had straight long brown hair and a pretty mean face.

"Nope, not at all, see ya' later," I turned back to the door wanting to leave.

But a hand seize my collar before I could leave, "You... at least answer your friend..."

"But I already did?" I said nonchalantly.


She glared at me, wanting to tear me apart. But I don't know what I considered luck anymore as I was 'saved' by Seijin-sensei.

"Natsuko-san, come with me to the Teachers office~," He smiled. I always thought it looked like the devils.

"Sure, see you later Yuna~," I grinned.

"W-Wait, I'm not done—"

"Noritsugami-san, can I borrow her for a second~? Please~?" Before I could 'convince' Yuna, Yomu beat me to it.

"Y-Yes, Sensei!" Yuna blushed.

"Thank you~"

We walked away, heading to the teachers' office leaving a dazed girl.

. . .

"Hey, Yomu, how the hell did you get 3 subjects and become our homeroom teacher at the same time?"

While walking, I questioned him, then the smile he always wore came back.

"I have my ways~ also I needed a job~," He replied.

"That doesn't mean you have to become a teacher! And how are you a student as well?!"

He set his forefinger on his chin, "Well, I am the same age as you, wouldn't it be odd if I didn't go to school~?"

I look at the mysterious odd-ball, I thought he was some rich kid who went to live independently, furthermore thought of becoming a student and teacher at some elite school.

"Are you even qualified to become our teacher?" I questioned him further.

"Yes, ma'am~ you can ask the principal~," He answered.

Thinking back to a certain girl, I didn't question his status anymore.

Arriving at the office, I asked another question.

"Why am I here anyway?"

He looked at me, and replied, "A teacher has called for you~"

He opened the door greeting a beautiful large-chested but slender woman.

"Here's your girl, Nari-san~," Yomu greeted.

"Thank you, Yomu-san," smiled, Nari.

Yomu departed, leaving me with the busty black hair beauty.

Her name was Nari Fukashi, she had her hair tied in a bun while wearing office wear suit, she had glasses to finish the apparel. She was the perfect image of a beautiful office lady.

"You seem to be close with Seijin-Sensei? Fukashi-sensei," I asked, noticing they have used both of their first names.

"Yep~ he's young and easy, surprisingly a teacher at an elite school, as well as a student~! I wish he was my husband~"

After Nari's spoken her words, Nehime' eyes widened lightly but soon went back to normal.

"Huh, no reaction much~?"

"Yep, since I know you can't make a move on a minor."

The moment I uttered my words, I suddenly felt a sharp grip on my shoulder, "Are you saying I'm old?"

One droplet of sweat slide on my forehead, "N-No, ma'am."

"Good girl~"

I sighed and asked, "So, why am I here?"

She glanced at me, then responded, "You probably remembered your talk with Hana-chan, right?"

"Yes... so you know?" I asked.

"Yes, and I have been in the organization for years as their 'Exterminator' trainer."

Trainer? Wait don't tell me...

"I'm going to be your trainer and I am gonna turn you into a fine 'Exterminator'~," She smiled sadistically, inducing chills in my nerves.

"Wait, what's an 'exterminator'?" Discerning on what she said, I asked her.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? That irresponsible leader..." She sighed.

"Okay, Nehime-chan~ after school, go to the Student Co. like what that idiot said~"

Is that how you talk to your leader?

"So, what's an 'Exterminator'? I got a rough idea of what it is."

"Righto~ just to be quick, an exterminator is a soldier who has manifested 'power', since I believe she explained what it is, I will save time."

She resumes, "They exterminate Hollows, you know, those monsters in myths."

Sounds like an anime to me.

"I will tell you the rest later~ I noticed you haven't eaten lunch yet so I let you go for now~," After she finished explaining briefly, I left after asking permission.

. . .

The bell rings betokening it was time to go to class, but in our school, we start Physical Education after lunch, and that is why we have extended one hour lunch. I should have started eating at the start of lunch, but I guess I should enjoy my food, for now.

Slowly eating an exclusive hotdog from the cafeteria, I arrived at the gym as the air conditioner blew my face. After arriving, the class went to change to their gym uniform as the teacher, who was Seijin-sensei, prepared for class.

"Okay everyone, let's start with a warm-up with different exercise variations and dynamic stretching, so there will be 4 in groups going around in a cycle~"

After Yomu finished speaking, the class gathered in groups.

"Nehime-san, let's group up with the others," The one who spoke was Yuri. When she meant others, it was usually Risa and Ai, while Hana was in another group.


Everyone was paired in their selected exercises as they got ready.

"One minute each and you will switch, we will have 5 laps~ Start!"

It began, everyone performed some stretches and exercises, some cardio and strength building. It wasn't that bad for most. But for me, I didn't survive the first half.

"I can't move my legs..." We were doing jumping-jacks, but it seemed harder when I do it.

"Come on Nehime~!" Risa encouraged me as she did the same. Every time she jumps, her breast seem to cause earthquakes as with 'all' the boys staring.

"Hey, Ai, if they started naming earthquakes, I think they would name one Risa, just like hurricanes," I joked.

"Hurricanes are named just to improve communication efforts and ease confusion, which isn't needed for earthquakes, Hurricane names are not chosen randomly either," Ai replied, obviously not getting the joke.

"... Uh, okay..."

I was lucky it ended though. Next, the class would do is static stretching.

"Okay~ everyone gets into a box split and holds it for a minute," Yomu spoke with a smile, somehow I felt a sadistic vibe from it.

Minutes past, he then asks us to sit down, "Now everyone, reach forward to the ground, use your chest as your back should be straight~," He spoke.

I tried, but the pain seems to overwhelm me, so I stopped.

"Let me help you~"

When I deemed I would be relaxing, I then felt a hand touch my back. It placidly flows as I felt the warmth from his touch amidst my face heating.

"O-Ow, it hurts!" I whimpered as I stuttered slightly.

"Relax, you'll get through it~" Yomu went closer to my ear as he whispered.


The class seems to be in sync as they view a blushing 'Ice Queen' Nehime and a smiling Yomu, it reminds them a little bit of the M and S.

The spark grew stronger as the rumours did of some forbidden taboo.