Cadet Training⁷

"You know, you nearly made me spit my tea."

Yomu, putting down his tea to rub his temples, then looks at Hana with a perplexed look, 'Is this how you confuse your enemies?'

"Even your subordinates hiding in the shadows almost fell off their position."

Hana's eyes widened, she then beckoned her hands indicating that they don't have to hide anymore. Instantly, 100 appeared in the surroundings. They all wore an all-clad of black uniform with light armour and night-goggle-like helmets.

"You surprise me with your scouting abilities, Yomu, I guess that is why you were so confident to be alone," Hana spoke, praising.

"Thank you, but right now, I can't cope with your reasoning of why you ask me to join you," The King piece was still in his hands as he fiddled with it, then resumes speaking, "Perhaps, it is just your emotional side, which is not logical and reasoning, meaning emotions are not my speciality ~ I guess, your in love with me~?" Yomu teased.

This shook Hana, causing her to blush, "N-No, it's just that I can feel like I can trust you—"

"That's idiotic, what is your evidence and reasoning?" Interrupting her, Yomu eyes became empty.

"I don't need evidence and reasoning, I believe in my superstition, kind of ironic for a supernatural citizen as yourself Yomu-san~," Hana replied, as her playful side beginning to rise.

Yomu kept looking at her dead in the eye, giving Hana the nervousness she is not used too, her experience as a leader seems to break while another feeling to rise.

But soon, Yomu started laughing, " Haha~ I like you~ but I'm not joining since I have my Organization I need to lead, you know~"

Hana exhaled with a drop of sweat sliding off her face, "I see, how about an alliance?"


This time the subordinates almost tripped.

"I will be going now Hana-chan~," Waving goodbye, but Hana manages to notice something. On the nape of Yomu was a tattoo of a triangle, with a circle in the triangle.

But her observation was short as Yomu has already disappeared, leaving no evidence of his appearance.

"Oi, you!" Hana called one of her subordinates.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"You get our people to research on a triangle and a circle in it," She ordered.

"Yes, Ma'am!" The person went off in a blur, but not fast as Yomu's walk.

"Hey, Kaichou, why did you say that?"

Hana turned around, to meet Hori, the Vice-President of the Student Council.

"Say what~?" She acted cluelessly.

"You know what."

"Uh, you're boring. I ask him, because of a feeling."

"That is stupid."

Hana glared at Hori causing him to shiver, "It's just a feeling, and I have another feeling we will meet again."

Hori palms his face, wondering how she was the Seventh Leader, but he believes in her even if it doesn't look like, "Hey, Kaichou. Did you noticed his charm?"

"You mean his ability? Yeah~ It was quite pleasant~"

"Not my point. You noticed how dangerous it is?" Hori spoke, ignoring her antics.

"Yeah, he didn't even use its full power, now I wonder what his full potential is~..."

. . .

"So, here we see an example of a Hyperbole 'I have millions of things to do today', does anyone understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

With another day as today was Tuesday, with the class was taught by Seijin-sensei, I sat there tired with eyes darken as if I hadn't slept since last night, technically I didn't sleep at all last night.

'Uh... today, I have to go do some army-crap. Not one of my favourites since it's physical..."

And today, I'm going train, physically, 'But at least it'll give me benefits...'

While I listened in class, I tried to understand what we were doing today, just staring at Yomu. As I did that, he looked at me, he then smiled, this made me blush of course, but he looked good on those glasses... wait, glasses?...

. . .

"Hey, Nehime-tan~ wake up~"

"Hmm..~?" All I see was darkness but see light after I opened my eyes. But what only to see Yomu poking me with a pen.

"Why're still poking me?"

He poked me again.


This time he stopped, and looks at me, smiling, the smile seems to have some hypnotic effect that eases my mind.

"You know you slept through class right?" He said.

Knowing where this is going, I replied, "Yeah, so it's lunch already?"

"Yep, also you have after-school detention, don't worry, just 5 minutes, just imagine I ask you out and it took five minutes to confess to you," He said, teasing me.

Recollecting of what he said, my face started heating up as I looked down a little, "What weird analogy. Sure, I'll stay."

The surrounding class was listening, not understanding how the 'Ice Queen' is acting the way she is now. The normally cold, haughty and emotionless Ice Queen, that most likely will kick your puppy. Now seems like she wants to cuddle one instead. Everyone thought they underestimated the new Teacher too much.

"Oh, time for class~," Yomu then went to a seat behind Nehime.

"Wait, are you— oh yeah, you're a student too," Finding why he didn't go back to the teacher's office, she went back to relax.

"Pleasure to meet you~," Yomu acted as if they never met.

"Yeah, sure, goodnight...~"

. . .

Poke. Poke.

a familiar feeling has once risen again, this time, I seize the pen in his hand.

"You know, the school already ended~," Yomu looked at me and tries to take his pen back.

"So, did I slept through your five minutes of detention?" While I rejected his attack by hugging the pen in my chest.

"Yep, I felt heartbroken when you didn't go~," But for some reason, he got his pen back as he fiddled with it in front of me.

"Are you some magician?"

"Yes~ one of the greatest~ even Merlin can't beat me~"

I stood up from my seat as I looked at Yomu who sat on the front seat from mine reversed as I replied, "You got some confidence there, but I have to go back to the student council again."

"Hm, are you now part of the Student Council or something~?" Yomu asked still fiddling with his pen as he does advance pen spin and flips that I die for.

"Not really, they already have all twelve from the twelve classes," I answered him as I walk to the door.

"Hm, I guess I'll see you later 'Ice Cream'-tan~"

"See you later 'Legendary Transfer Student'~"

"Wait for real?"

"Yep~ heard it yesterday, I think they'll keep using for now," I had my palms covering my giggling face, which didn't cover much to his amusement.

"Okay, see you later," He said, waving me away as I did.

. . .

As I stood on the green meadow, the vast dome that covered the whole white city seems to be infinite, but I believe it was just an illusion behind the grand scale.

"Listen up!"

Then, a voice that echoed the meadow was heard as it brought me back to the present, 'Ah, yes... torture awaits me... I miss my bed...' The small droplet of a tear became apparent as I stood attention. Good thing I was taught by Fukashi yesterday this or else I'd be the girl who was sent here for nothing.

"As you are all rookie's or the 'good-for-nothings' we will have you tested on this obstacle course," The middle-aged man in an army uniform stood in the centre as he pointed at the course that I'm going to fail at. All the other cadets looked nervous as most of them appeared lanky. At least I'm not the only.

"After that, we will assign you to exercises and workouts to improve your physical bodies."

He then walked around, obviously trying to intimidate us. Which worked. Then he looked at me.

"You! What's your name?!"

Ah, you son of a... why choose me?

"Natsuko Nehime, Sir!"

He then attacked me with another question, "Do you think you can pass this course?"

Of course, I know that answer very well, "Not at all, Sir!" I shouted in confidence.

"Good, you see? She understands. Know your place, trash!" He then walked back to where was.

"I don't want to keep you waiting, as I don't want no one to not pass this course! So, begin!"

With his abrupt beginning, all the cadets commenced doing the obstacle course, 'Welp, do nothing, you get nothing...'

5 minutes later.

"Hurry up!"

"I-I can't get up..."

I thought it wouldn't be bad. But who knew I suck at climbing. I hang there trying to reach the top of the wall that I attempted scaling.

"Y-Yes!" I finally made it, but to my luck, I fell off the other side without preparing.

"Eh?— Ahh-!" To what I thought I would end with back pain for the rest of the week, I was caught.

"Are you okay?"

I look towards my saviour who caught me in princess carry, to my bad luck again, it was another chad, a blonde one, displaying his narcissistic expression. But this time, I punched the chad.

"Ow-ow-! Why'd you do that for?!" He touches his nose in agony as he questioned me.


"What?! That's unfair..." I looked at him, then left.

"W-Wait for me! Perhaps we started bad, but we can be friends~?" He then ran to my side to talk.

I simply said, "No."

"My names Richard just arrived in Japan, nice to meet you Natsuko-san~ are you sure you don't want to be friends~?" He used puppy eyes which raised the risk of him receiving a kick.

"Yep," I spoke with a straight face.

"I was— nevermind."

I continued the course with a weird meeting and a weird acquaintance. But to my chance, I passed. Barely.

. . .

"Hey, hey, Natsuko-san... can you understand? I can help you~"

I thought I would have a bit of a peaceful training, but I never thought a bug could be this annoying. He is like an ant that bites you, but you are careless of sympathy and squish the ant.

"No, I'm good."

After the course, we straight off went to class to learn the basics. The world we live in of course isn't normal. But learning information of the supernatural caught my interest.

We sat on chairs with desk separated apart, similar to a normal classroom, but smaller since we were separated in groups. We waited in the room, waiting for the instructor to begin class.

"Now, beginning, we will inform you about 'rifts', and as to what they are," The teacher, which is the same guy who instructed us to climb walls, pressed the board as it shows an image of a rough oval, to what I assume is the rift.

"Rifts often acts like portals for other realms, the most prominent realms are Heaven and the Underworld as well as our world, the 'Middle World'. Rifts are also the source of 'Power', explaining the myths and legends of old," He then walks around the board in front of the class, drawing two more ovals as he writes both of their names, 'Heaven' and the 'Underworld'.

"But an odd wonder happens where our world is like a bridge for other realms 'only', that means they can't travel to other realms without travelling through ours. Rifts are the bridge to their realm and ours," He then wrote that on the board as we copy of what he wrote, he then resumes speaking.

"There are also other rifts that act not like portals, but small realms. One is empty and parallel to our world, we call them 'Speculum Rifts' as 'speculum' means 'mirror' in Latin. We, Exterminators, use the Speculum Rifts to separate the violent supernatural creatures and other phenomenons," He later draws another rift, respectively for the Speculum Rift.

But next a thought appeared to fill a missing gap in my head, 'So that's why Yomu disappeared... Hana must've used the empty rift to capture the werewolf, but also me... but she can't be that unskilled?' I shook my head, disregarding the thought as I need to focus in class.

The instructor continued talking about rifts just to make sure we remembered it. As we also wrote it in our notes, he also told us the probability of it appearing randomly and our ability to bring it out manually, but that is only the Speculum Rifts.

"But be aware of other types of rifts, some can be large in scale with the power to kill you, we name them, 'Hysteric Rifts'. As they are also the source of violent supernatural creatures."