Dragons Head.¹¹

. . .

Droplets of the tears of nature fell, with all of it going in the drains of the street.

A Ramen store was open, a woman with a slim body with an honest chest, long wavy hair akin to the sea yet black as night although hints of brown like chocolate. Eye, night as day, similar to trees bark when fresh.

She sat eating a pork cutlet, wearing a cassock while she enjoyed her meal.

Normally, you would assume she was a priestess of a nearby Church, but you wonder how the beauty became a priest, a priestess seemingly resembling Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

"What is a beautiful lady doing here~?"

When she thought she would be left alone, a boy spoke. It was Yomu, still in with his happy-go face.

"You noticed?" The woman turned to look at him, but when she did, she was overrun by an unexpected feeling. She started feeling flushed, blushing.

"Oh~ you already fell for me again? And yes, I noticed~," Yomu then sat next to her, "Can I have pork ramen please, sir?"

"Sure." The man who served them left and went back to the kitchen.

"Why are you here? And by the Lord, what are you up to now?" She glared at Yomu, but she still didn't let go of her pork cutlet on her mouth.

"Calm down, Mary, I just came here to assign you a job~," The moment Yomu spoke caused Mary's eyes to broaden and stop eating.

Yomu had his elbow on the table while his chin on his hand, "But it is also Ironic since you have already forsaken the old man and yet you still call for him," Yomu's countenance was emotionless as he kept eye contact.

Even when she felt intimidated, she didn't back down, "Calling the Lord, 'Old Man' is disrespectful. Moreover, my name is Gospel, not Mary."

Yomu chuckled, "Sure thing Mary. Perhaps you are truly bitter, so, you consider doing my job?" Shortly, the ramen Yomu ordered was ready, with the man setting it down.

When the food was propped on the table, Mary unexpectedly strikes out a punch to Yomu! This formed a turbid of wind spinning as the cover blew with the rest of the furniture, inducing shockwaves affecting the rain flow.

"U-Uh—A-Aahh!" The man who served the ramen viewed the awe in front of him, he then ran towards his kitchen to avoid the mayhem.

"Be careful~"

When Mary assume Yomu was hit, Yomu was behind her back in a hug as he held her punch with his right, whispering his words in her ear.

"Hmph!" Mary then used her free arm as she twists her body doing an upward elbow strike towards Yomu's chin. But Yomu dodges in precision by just raising his head with Mary's elbow missing half an inch.

"Come on, Mary!" Yomu insanely smiled, in an instant, he wraps his other hand on Mary's elbow, restricting her movements.

"Can you listen to what I'm about to say?" Yomu spoke, though Mary kept struggling, still in denial.

They were in the same position as Mary still attempting to break free from Yomu's grip.

But soon, she gave up, "Okay, I give."

"Fast, but okay~," There is no place to sit, so he waved his hand as two chairs that darted off flew back arriving back to their spot for Mary and Yomu to sit.

Mary glared at him, pouting, "Okay, what do you want..?" Mary accepted the chair and sat down.

Yomu looked at her and smiled, this gave Mary a bad premonition, "I want you to find the Hells End~"

. . .

"To all those who finished the essay, hand the hard-copy now, for those who didn't try to finish it today using your assigned laptops~."

Another day in history class, the whole class began moving to hand in work, as I remained sitting.

"Hey, Nehime, did you hand in your work already?" The one who spoke was Yuri. She always next to me in seats as we sneak talks from time to time.

"Yep," I smirked. She looks at me surprised and asked, "That surprise me, you know?"

"Wait, really, how?" I questioned her.

"It's because you normally hand in work late, now you seem to be in some kind of charm to work enthusiastically," She was about to slacken, but she looks at me, then at Yomu. She then smiled sadistically.

Giving me the bad vibes, "What are you thinking?"

She exhaled, smirking, "Did you guys do it?"

I began to heat a little, I tried avoiding her gaze only to have accidentally had eye contact with Yomu. He smiled, making things worse as I blushed harder, allowing my imaginations to run wild.

"Hey, Nehime... was it the Cow-girl or Cow-boy?"

When Yuri spoke, I had the urge to punch the girl. I wondered how she got this perverted.

"We didn't..." I muttered.

"So, Doggy style?"

"No, I mean—"

"The hook? Reverse wheelbarrow? Was it the Scissor straddle—"

"No, we haven't done that yet!" The barrage of sex poses had Nehime overwhelmed, this caused her to stand up and shout, becoming the eye of attention. Everyone was in pause, while they still had their hard-copy on their hands.

"E-Ehum," Nehime fake coughed as she sat back down, however rosy. When Nehime has done that, everyone ignored the display and minded their business.

Yuri with widening eyes, watch the cute 'Ice Queen' sitting back down, then, Yuri grinned.

"So... It was the Eagle?"

. . .


In the same building where the awakening happened. Nehime stood in attention with the rest of the four awakened while she was still blushing from the precious scenario.

"Hey, Nehime..." While she kept quiet, Richard kept whispering beside her left.

"... Why do you look red—!" When Richard tries to ask a question to Nehime, he received a liver punch instead.

"... Ugh, be careful with your hit..! You know our bodies get a lot stronger after a few days, but it's kind of weird that you still have less stamina—!" Richard receives another liver punch.

Fortunate that the Instructor didn't bother telling them off, he continues, "Today is time for you to be assigned to your team, but for now, I like to give you guys free time to talk and eat." After the said words, it got the whole crew of five caught surprised by this.

"This is not a special treatment just to say, there is an important meeting held. So, for now, we keep the cadets who awakened out of the way first, so enjoy your time."

Following this, we were free to move.

"Phew~ I will be going to eat now."

As soon as the Instructor left, Rei, one with messy red hair moved off from his position and went off to get some food. He then looks at us, "You guys don't want to eat?"

The other cadets were caught off guard by his openness, but still accepted "Yeah, sure, I got nothing to do, anyway," Lin, the boy with the ponytail walked forward, following behind him.

The girl name Ruri sighed and smiled, "Well, I guess there's nothing much to do. How about you guys, Richard and Nehime?"

"Sure, we got nothing to do like you guys, what things do we do in this free time?" Richard smiled back as I went following with them, then I had a feeling around my stomach, "Uhm... I have to go."

"Go?— Oh, okay," Ruri spoke, understanding my call.

. . .

"This place sure is large."

After leaving the rest of the other cadets, I walked the large halls of the facility viewing the grand work it is. I just wonder how their security works because I don't know if I'm doing things right, I'm even sure if I can adapt to this.

"It sure is large~ you want to know what else is?"

Instinctively it caused me to throw a jab to my left, unsurprisingly I heard sounds of agony. This made me turned to my left to meet a... a prince?

"You sure are feisty~," He then recovers from the damage he received and returns a smile instead. What surprise me isn't his charm and high tier face, it was that I wasn't blushing nor attracted.

His face can consider matching Yomu's. Brown curly, yet short hair, with complimenting green eyes like the lush meadow. He had the perfect body ratio, a perfect man. However, that doesn't affect me in any way.

"Oh~ are you a special one, not a bit affected, ey~?" Snapping back to reality, he spoke getting my attention.

"Special? Hah, I don't agree, no one is truly special," I rebuke as I continue to stroll back while the prince followed beside me. We resumed strolling as he took a glance at me, he chuckles, "That is true, but you are special as I appreciate you~"

But his expression changed noticing no difference in mine, "What~?"

"It's weird that I don't feel slightly attracted."

"Kuugh-!" This generated an invisible strike to his stomach.

I watch his display that caused me to giggle, "You know, you never introduced yourself."

"Introduce yourself first, that would be fairer ~" He gestures me.

I accepted his talk, "Sure, my name is Nehime Natsuko, a novel writer, what's yours?"

"Pretty blank, but I accept that."

"Rude! Hurry up before I start leaving you," I began walking faster, but weirdly he's walk was faster than mine, wondering if it was faster than my run.

He placed his hand on his head as he combs his hair back, "Sure~ My name is Henry Pendragon, the 1st Pillar of Gofma in the continent of Europe. A pleasure to meet you~"