Chapter 2


I peek into Jill's room to see what she was doing, but of course she was snoring up a storm. So un-princess like. Oh well I snore too, it's not the end of the world. I walk towards my room but stop at Jaya's.

"Jaya?" I Whisper.

"It's open Kay." Jaya Answers me, I walk in and sit on her bed with her.

"How are things going?" I ask watching her.

"The Usual, Boring." Jaya said looking at me.

I laughed "Life's a bitch, deal with it." I say, "Anyway, good luck tomorrow.''

"You too Kay." Jaya replied. I stand up and leave. I shut her door and walked to my room. I opened my door and went to sit on my bed, but stopped as I noticed a black letter on my bedside table. I pick it up only to drop it again as a searing heat fills my body.

"You Have been claimed." A male voice whispers into my ear. All of a sudden I am so tired it's as if every ounce of my strength was sapped away. As my eyelids close and I all but fall onto my bed. The last thing I remember was someone or something laughing before I knew no more.