Chapter 11


I felt someone going through my mind, so I shielded it quickly. But before I could close it completely, she got through for a moment and saw how dark my mind was. Luna gasped.

"I am not letting you into meh head." I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." she told me.

"I bet you didn't." I said, angry. I stood up and walked out of the banquet hall to my room halfway across the castle from the banquet hall. I walked into my room and slammed the door. Lucifer was already there, his ability to dissolve into the shadows and reappear by me was amazing.

"I'm so pissed off!!" I yelled.

"Go practice." He suggested. I thought about it and decided to go ahead and practice my specialty. I walked out of my room and out of the castle searching for a target. I walked down a dark alley and found a poor farm boy, he smelled like Dirt and crops.

"Hey!" I yelled. He yelped and spun, eyes wide as he stared at me.

"You're….you're princess Chara." He whispered.

"Yes I am." I replied with a small smile. "I got you a gift, it's not a knife….okay it might be a knife." I said as I pulled out my favorite weapon and plunged it into his chest. He gurgled struggling to breath as I pulled my knife out and wiped it on his shirt.

"Why?" He asked as blood slowly bubbled out of his mouth.

"I've been carving up mortals like you for eternity" I said "Life's a bitch, deal with the shit it gives you!" I yelled and paused then continued with an evil grin. "And your life just gave you a demon." I laughed evilly as his eyes widened. He slowly grew still and cold, as if an Ice dragon had just used it's icy breath of death. I burned the now cold body with my Fire eternal, and walked away laughing, Lucifer at my side.