Chapter 13


I stood shocked staring at myself in the mirror. I was no longer the little girl I used to be. In front of the mirror stood a new me. I was now about six foot tall, I had long silver hair with streaks of gold, my skin was snow white. The only big thing that amazed me was my eyes, the right was a red as deep and bright as Chara's and my left was a blue deeper than Blue's sky blue eyes, And not even ten seconds later they changed my right eye was now gold, and the left was green. A sign of my Parents was the first set of colors. The next set of colors is probably showing that I am a hybrid, I'll have to ask Yuri what the colors mean. As I went to look away my eyes shimmered again and the color change took my breath away. I had five different colors in my eyes. The colors were pink, green, red, blue, and white. Then it hit me. I am a hybrid of all five elements!! Spirit, earth, fire, water, and air!! I thought excitedly. I guess the reason it showed the gold and green first means I am probably stronger in Spirit and earth. I looked over at Yuri, she was watching me and her eyes widened.

"Your eyes!!" she exclaimed, staring.

"Ya I know." I said. I looked back at the mirror one last time to get a good look and gasped. I saw that three of the colors were spinning and glowing. I turned back and walked to the door.

"I have had enough for tonight, I am gonna head to my room." I said and left her room.

I didn't go to my room immediately and instead went to see Blue. He was curled up in the Banquet hall were we had left him.

"Blue?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Yes little hatchling? What is it?" he asks lifting his head up, smoke coming out of his nostrils.

I walk over to him and sit down.

"Why is it that three of the five colors in my eyes swirl?" I ask, curiously looking up at his large blue eye.

"Well, you see a long time ago there were beings called Trackers, now trackers aren't very special, other than they can find people, or in some rare cases they can find ghosts. The thing setting aside them from other normal humans is that when they use their tracking ability the colors in their eyes swirl. Are you following me? Do you want to know more?" Blue asked, staring at me with his huge eyes.

"Yes, and yes please." I say with wonder. I watch as Blue lays his head down in front of me.

"If you want to know more look up Rylee Adamson." He told me, laughing. I sigh and stand up.

"Thank you Blue." I say as I head to me room.