Chapter 23


I sit by Lucifer in his demon form, playing with my wings. They are so beautiful!! I think as I slowly extend them, excited. I wish that Chara was here, she left about an hour ago to do something. Why is it Chara is so distant from me now? I wonder, as I stand up walking over to a mirror. I stare at myself amazed at how different I was. I had snow white wings, they looked like ice on the underside of them, icy blue eyes, Long white hair with curls that went down to my huge yet beautiful ass, long pointed ears, I was still the same height but my cup size had changed from a B cup to double D. I also had a long tail that was curled around my waist, with a triangle shape on the end that looked very sharp and could probably stab through someone. I look back at Lucifer, watching him stare at me.

"What? Is something the matter father?" I ask, curious. He looks away, a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.

"No, nothing is the matter." He said, turning back to look at me, the pink gone from his cheeks. I saw that! I laugh inwardly.

"Are you sure? You blushed a little there." I laugh, twirling. His jaw parted a little, and he shakes his head.

"Yes, I am sure. You sure changed a lot when Death took over. Even your personality changed." He said, examining me, his face blushing ever so slightly. I laughed watching as his face turned beet red.

"What's the matter Father?" I joke, watching as he turns around heading towards the door that leads out into the hallway.

"I'm going to leave you for awhile. Don't do anything stupid, and don't leave this room." He said, stopping at the door, turning around to face me smiling. "After all, you're our prisoner now." He said, smiling evilly. He then walked out of the room, slamming the door shut. Hearing it lock I smile.

"What are you smiling about my host?" Death asked. Well they can't keep me locked up. I can break free anytime I want. I say back, laughing.

"That's true enough, but what about your sister? She must be worried about you at home." She said, I feel her pout.

"Don't worry about Yuri, she will come find me if she wants to." I say out loud, walking over and sitting on my new bed. They changed my room after my transformation from Death. I now have a full side bed with red silk sheets and a huge black blanket. Along the left side of my bed I had a black onyx table with a lava lamp in the middle of it. The walls of my new room were pitch black, while the floor was blood red. Why is everything red and black? I ask myself. A door on the left side of my room lead to a bathroom, where at least the walls were navy blue. Across from the end of my bed was the door to get out of my new room. Along the right wall was a red dresser, with silver handles. Right beside it was a closet where a variety of clothes were hung up. In the middle of the room stood a huge round table with 5 chairs.

"I like this new room." I say out loud, smiling as I do so. I feel Death smile.

"I also like tis room." She said, happily. I lay down on my bed on my stomach, wings close to me. Slowly I let the darkness take me into sleep.