
Under Attack

"This is fucked up!" Lily yelled before she dodged a rain of glass. The redhaired woman rolled out of the way of the falling debris and hid behind the destroyed sofa. She brushed some glass shards out of her hair before she glanced at Tanya.

"Do you know who's attacking us?!" She asked the blonde teacher. But Tanya couldn't answer; Both because she had no idea and because she was talking to Angelique to prevent her from freaking out.

The squid-girl had her hands buried in her tentacles while she mumbled things that I couldn't quite understand. She was distressed, I was sure about that.

"Never mind who, the thing we should be thinking about is how we are going to take him out." I answered. The sound of cracking glass echoed from behind me. I rolled out of the way of the dangerous debris and peeked outside.

I saw someone moving in the trees at the other side of the street. Multiple people even. I couldn't see who they were, but I realized they were bad news.

"They're in the trees straight in front of the house." I mumbled while I crawled back towards Tanya. The blonde teacher summoned a mud soldier and let it run in front of the window to protect herself. But the metal projectiles just drilled through the mud.

"Damn it! I can't create stronger dolls with this weak ground underneath the house." The blonde teacher gritted her teeth while she followed my finger. Colour drained out of her face when she saw the figures on the other side of the street.

"I can't reach that far with any of my spells!" The teacher grumbled to herself. I looked outside: what kind of spell could reach that far? Angelique's could maybe reach there, but she wasn't precise enough. If she wasn't careful, her spells could level an entire building.

Wait a second. I took a moment to collect my thoughts. Angelique had her exploding orbs. I knew that she could make them bigger or smaller depending on the situation.

"Hey, Tan—Miss Chaffendale?" I asked the blonde teacher. She quickly turned around. "What is it?" She bit back.

"Can you create a small, hard rock? Preferably an orb." Tanya frowned. However, she shrugged and immediately formed a small hard marble with a basic spell. The Fairy-inspired magic circle hadn't even disappeared fully yet or I had my Mark devour the stone.

"Hey, what do you think you're--?" I shook my head. Action now, questions later. I turned to Angelique, who cradled her head between her arms and mumbled absent-mindedly.

"Hey, Angelique. Snap out of it! Come on!" I tried coaxing the girl out of her stupor. But my voice didn't reach her. She continued to mumble to herself.

"Let me handle this." Lily pushed past me. The redhead glared at the squid-girl before she slapped her, twice on each cheek. That certainly dragged her out of her stupor. The girl rubbed her cheeks as she looked at the redhaired vixen.

"Come on, Angelique. This is not the time to panic. If you panic, you've already given up!" Lily encouraged the squid-girl. Slowly, Angelique nodded and looked back at me with teary eyes.

"W-What did you… did you want, Carnel?" She asked on a demure tone. I smiled and placed an assuring hand on her right shoulder.

"Can you create a very small orb? You know, like those flying bombs of yours?" I asked softly. Angelique nodded and created one very small orb. It had the size of my thumb, but I felt the heat radiating on my face a couple of feet away.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed. My Mark reacted and its misty jaws easily tore through the spell. Was it just me or did its jaws look firmer than before?

I shrugged and combined the two spells. Once I heard another projectile smash into a wall, I jumped up and unleashed the spell.

The two spells formed right in front of me before they coiled into one another. With a fourth part, made from my Unknown magic, woven into the magic circle, it radiated with power. A small orb of pressured rock appeared in the middle of the magic circle.

It had a very sharp point at the front and was flat at the back. But the spell wasn't finished yet.

A small flaming orb hovered out of the circle and attached itself to the back of the sharp rock. The beast of my Mark glanced back at me and waited for my command. I nodded.

The spell activated. The flaming orb exploded. The shockwave got funnelled into the rock, catapulting it with great speed through the window.

I heard a scream from the other side of the street. The other people that hid in the trees quickly jumped out and ran away.

"I think… that's the end of that." I took a deep breath and sunk to my knees. Now that it was all over, the backlash of the adrenaline caused me to feel all queasy inside.

"Thank… goodness." Angelique replied breathlessly. Tanya shook her head and slowly wobbled towards the house's Xenophone. I didn't hear exactly what she said, though.

"Who the fuck was targeting us?!" lily yelled in frustration. She ruffled through her hair. No one seemed to care that we all were dressed in our pyjamas. I grunted and pushed myself onto my feet. I sighed when I saw the glass spread all over the floor.

This was going to take a while to clean.

"I don't know, but I want to bet that it were the same people that slit Oberon's throat." Tanya returned from her call.

"The Fairy Court Marshals are on their way. They should be here any minute. We can't go to school either. They'll have to take our statements and all kinds of evidence." She explained. I didn't know how to feel about that.

What if they were going to ask about my Mark? I barely knew anything about it.

Luckily, they weren't interested in that. The people that visited us were actually quite nice. Maybe it was because their former boss had just been killed. Or maybe it was because their new boss scrutinized their every move.

They took our statements, took some pictures of the scene with a simple Projection-spell and left again. We were left with the clean-up. The sofa got punctured on every spot imaginable, the floor was covered in glass shards and small bits of rock.

What kind of spell did they use to propel the rocks?

The combined spell I created activated with a big , bright flame. But I didn't see anything that resembled that through the leaves of the trees. So how did they attack us with only small rocks.

"Miss Chaffendale, are there any Gaia-spells that can reach this far?" I asked the blonde teacher. Tanya swallowed her fruit juice and looked outside Now that the sun shone down, she had a better view of the surrounding area.

"No. Gaia-spells are strong, but they can't reach far. Certainly not a hundred feet!" She answered. So it wasn't a Gaia-spell? Then what kind of…?

"No use wondering about that right now. One thing is for certain, someone wants us dead. And fast." I mumbled. The 'why?' still eluded me, however.

"Angelique's asleep." Lily said as she stumbled from the staircase. She put on a comfortable black tank top and a pair of dark blue denim shorts. The redhaired vixen walked over to the fridge and peered into it. She changed her mind and started making coffee for herself. Very strong coffee.

"How is she?" I asked. It took a while for Lily to answer as she stared into the growing black liquid that gathered in her cup. When the coffee was finally finished, she swallowed the scalding hot broth in one gulp. Her face afterwards spoke for itself.

"Her tentacles are all frazzled up, like she's been electrocuted. That girl stood under pressure for almost the entire night, and I know that isn't good for her…" Lily alluded to the time she used to bully Angelique. So she knew what damage she caused…?

"Argh, this is so infuriating! Why does anyone want us dead?!" I asked aloud. But no one could give me an answer, of course not.

"Wait a sec… That weird message ya got, Teach, about this so-called Serpent of the End." Lily began. Tanya frowned, but her eyes soon widened when she realized what the redhead was talking about.

"Wait, you don't mean…?" Her gaze slowly moved towards me. I frowned; What was up with them?

"Uhm… Do I have something on my face?" I asked. Tanya shook her head and looked at my Mark that poked from underneath the neckline of my shirt.

"You never found out what your Mark actually is, right?" She wanted to confirm. I slowly nodded and listened to the teacher. What was she going on about.

"Don't you think… your Mark is this so-called Serpent of the End?" I laughed when I heard her proposition. Me, the serpent of the End? That was so out there!

"That can't be. I mean, my Mark has teeth and a snake does not. Or, at least, not as much as my Mark. And 'Serpent of the End' is more like a moniker, not a name, right?" I countered. I had to admit; They weren't really valid arguments. But I knew next to nothing about my Mark.

"Well, let's say that that moniker is just a title. You don't have any proof that says otherwise, you know?" Tanya answered. I bit my lip; She was right. There was no proof to tell me that I was not the Serpent of the End.

"Alright, so Carnel over there got some asses hunting him down. What do we do about it?" Lily said before she took a swig from another cup of coffee.

"Well… Good question." Tanya stopped herself. She bit her lip. The blonde teacher ruffled her hair while she devised a solution.

"Why don't we let this rest for now, yeah? I don't feel like dealing with it right now. I'm still tired as hell, and I still need to clean up the damn living room!." I cursed. The two ladies on the room nodded and smirked; They just loved to watch me work, didn't they?

I sighed and grabbed a mop. It took me almost an entire day to completely clean out the living room from all the glass, rocks, broken sofa's and more. At the end of the day, I was even more tired than before I went to bed.

"I got it!" Tanya said while she poked at her dinner. None of us were in the mood to eat; Angelique was still in her room. I tried coaxing her out of it, but her voice revealed she was still terrified of going outside. I put her dinner outside her room and told her she could eat whenever.

"Huh? What did ya think of now, Teach?" Lily said. Tanya turned to face me.

We just need to… move." She said in a simple tone. Move? I didn't understand. We weren't allowed to move, that was an order from the governing board of the city.

"Move? Move where? If they can find me here, they can find me anywhere in the city, you know!" I rebutted. Tanya smirked confidently as she chewed on a piece of meat.

"That's why we'll move. Out of the city!" She announced.


"Are you crazy?! We don't have anywhere to stay outside of this house. We can't just say 'Fuck you all' and run!" Lily complained. Tanya sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I can ask the Fairy Court to arrange some living quarters outside the city for now. After that, we can always plan out our next move." The blonde teacher answered. I had to admit; It was a pretty bold plan.

"We… We can always go to my mother's place." A timid voice echoed from the darkness of the staircase.

"Angelique! How're you feeling?" I asked and walked towards her. The girl sniffled. Her normally brown eyes were completely blood-shot. Her tentacles lie in a frazzle on top of her head and her skin was crackling. Was she that susceptible to stress?

"I-I'm fi—No, I'm not fine. But I can't sit still. That makes me even more nervous!" The girl said as she took a seat right next to me. I noticed she leaned towards me and always kept her hand on my shoulder.

"Alright…" Lily mumbled while she finished her dinner with a big gulp of beer. "You said we could stay at your mother's place?"

"Ye-Yes. Mother has a really big house. After dad died, it's become much too big for us alone. And now that I live here…" Angelique trailed off as she looked through the broken windows. she was still a nervous wreck. I gently draped my arm around her and pulled her close. She whimpered before she visibly relaxed.

"Right. Then I'll call the Court to arrange a boat for us." I frowned. A boat? Why would we need a boat?

"You don't think we could reach the bottom of the ocean just by simply stepping outside the city, do you?" Tanya said before she grabbed her Xenophone and walked away.

Just what was about to happen?