English is Hard (RanPoe)

Ranpo's POV

I was heading towards the library after class, its where me and Poe have been meeting up for him to help me with my english.

I wasnt that good at learning the language and was failing the class so he agreed to help me out after school. Even though I had skipped the first four meetings he planned because I hate staying after class but today he told me if I were to show up I would be given a reward.

'I hope its candy.' I smiled and hurried to the library. Opening the door I saw Poe reading a book with papers spread out on the table and his feet proped up, waiting for me.

I smiled. "Im here Poe!" Poe smiles slightly, his bangs covering his eyes as he looked up at me and put his feet and his book down. "So you finally showed up to one of my private lessons." I blushed slightly out of nervousness. "Yeah..."

I quickly sat down in a chair next to him and smiled. "Sorry I haven't shown up..." He sighed and looked at me. "you mean never? I guess you like rewards then right? And thats why you showed up?" I blushed again and nodded slightly "yeah... Sorry I dont really like english..." Poe sighed "Thats fine, at least you showed up this time." He slid me a paper that had some simple Japanese words next to small english words that I had no idea how to say or read.

I immediately groaned and tried to push it away but he kept his hand there so i couldn't push the paper away. "come on Ranpo the words are easy, they mean the same thing in your language just written and sounded out differently." I whined. "its too hard! Why do they write their words like this? Its strange." Poe sighed heavily. "My language isn't hard if you just pay attention and try." I huffed and crossed my arms, turning away from him and the paper. "Ranpo plesse dont be stubborn." He got a bit closer to me and whispered in my ear. "you are only rewarded for good behavior and you will be punished for bad behavior" I couldn't help but shiver a bit, his voice could be low and intimidating in a second and shy and nervous the next. I whined. "What are you going to hit me with a ruler?" He pulled a ruler out of his bag and tapped it on the desk. "I could." I yelped. "Nuuuuuuu!"

He sighed and pointed to the Japanese letter for A and then the english letter for A. "Ranpo read the letter outloud." I sighed heavily. "A" he smiled and pointed to the english word, speaking in his native tongue. "A" I tried my best to copy how he said it in english. "A" he giggled slightly but covered his mouth quickly to hide it. I whined loudly "What? I thought I said it right!" He nods "you did, you did, but you sounded like a little child." My face heated up quickly as I blushed. "I did not!" He sighed and sat back in his seat. "Read the word to me, ill say the english version and you repeat got it?" I groaned "fine..."


I pushed the paper off the table finally, I was frustrated with it and ready to give up on english. Poe groaned "Ranpo please just pick up the paper" Being stubborn I flopped onto the floor and crossed my arms. He facepalmed as he looked down at me. "Ranpo-" I then proceeded to hiss at him.

He sat down his papers and got up, lifting me up as if I weighed nothing and then whacking me on the butt with the ruler. I yelped and bit my lip quickly, nearly letting something else slip off my tongue. I blushed darkly and looked away from him.

He sat me back down in my seat and picked up the paper, setting it on the desk. "I told you bad behavior wouldn't give you a reward." I whimpered and looked away from him "I want to go home im done studying" he sighs "Its not that bad Ranpo come on"

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my seat and he got up again, tapping the ruler on the table. "then stand up and bend over." I blushed darkly and yelped "w-what!?" He pulled me up and bent me over the table, taking the ruler and hitting me again with it.

This time I couldn't hide it and I moaned when he hit me.

"w-what was that Ranpo?" I could tell he heard since he didn't hit me again and he stuttered from embarrassment.

I blushed darkly and hid my face. "S-Sorry I uhhh..." He pulled me up and I looked up at him, he was blushing darkly as well. "Ranpo, do you like me?" I nodded slightly and he sighed "Its bad to have a relationship with a teacher Ranpo"

I looked away from him "I know it is but crushes are allowed aren't they?" He smiled softly and grabbed my chin, making me look up at him "they sure are" he suddenly kissed me softly, I was shocked but I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifted me up and sat me on the table, standing inbetween my legs and kissing me still.

Third Person POV

Poe purred as he pulled away slightly. "Ranpo do you like being hit?" Ranpo nodded slightly. "I like the way it feels for some reason.." He blushed "I know its weird"

Poe shook his head "Its not weird darling" he touched the side of his face gently and kissed him again, this time slipping his tongue into his mouth and moving his free hand down to start to undo Ranpo's pants.

Ranpo moaned softly and tried to fight him back with his tongue, moving his own hands down to take off Poe's belt and toss it to the side.

Poe pulled him somewhat roughly against him, making Ranpo let out a small whine and spread his legs further so Poe could rub against him.

Ranpo clung to Poe's shoulders and moaned softly again as Poe kissed his cheek, slowly moving his head down to kiss and nibble on his neck.

Poe pulled away, admiring the little love marks he left all over his neck as Ranpo panted and whined.

Ranpo pulled at his shirt "D-Don't stop please." Poe purred "Only if you do your work." Ranpo nods "I-I will" Poe smirked "Alright then work" he bent him over the desk again and pulled down his pants and boxers before pulling down his own and slipping himself inside of him.

Ranpo blushed darkly and grabbed his pen, bitting the end of the pen to hold back his small whines and moans. Poe purred in his ear as he kept still, only moving his hands to travel all over Ranpo's body. "Get to work darling, you only have a few more words."

Ranpo whined and panted "I-I can't when your hands are all over m-me ahh~" he tried to write down the translations of certain words but his hands were shaking and every time Poe would brush against a sensitive spot on his body the pen would slip from his grasp.

Poe started to move slowly "You can do it, trust me you can" Ranpo whined "But I wanna focus on you, this feels so a-ahh~" Poe sighed and kissed his neck, lightly biting the back of his neck. "come on ill help you write just tell me the letters love" he took the pen from him and Ranpo held onto the desk. "I-I can't focus when you are driving my mind crazy"

Poe held his hand and guided him as he finished writing the english word. "There love you are done" Ranpo whined and moaned. "a-ahh~ o-okay"  Poe reaches his hand down to stroke him as he started moving a little faster now. Ranpo could only gasp and moan, his body confused on which way to move, to move his hips forward to get Poe to touch him more or to move them backwards to push himself against him more.

Poe suddenly slammed into him roughly, jerking the table forward and making Ranpo cry out in pleasure, clinging to the table more roughly. "ahh~! P-Poe~!" Poe blushed darkly "oh my keep doing that please-" he continued to move faster and slam into him roughly, making the smaller one moan and whine, unable to hold back as Poe was still stroking him.

Ranpo let out another loud cry of pleasure as he released into Poe's hand, Poe following soon after, releasing into him and moving slower to let Ranpo come down from his high.

Ranpo was panting badly, his face slightly red. Poe purred he pulled his hand away as well as pulling out and helping Ranpo stand, his legs shaking badly. "You okay Ranpo?" Ranpo nodded and held onto him "y-yeah I-I'm okay, just tired now." Poe wiped off his hand and pulled up his boxers and pants before helping Ranpo clean up, Ranpo holding onto Poe as Poe helped him pull up Ranpo's boxers and pants.

Ranpo looked up at him "I think ill start doing my work now" Poe smiled softly "good, I'd love to see that, want me to drive you home?" Ranpo nods and smiles "I'd like that" Poe smiled and blushed slightly, cleaning up the papers and everything else they had out before leading Ranpo out of the room and heading to the front of the school.