Even If It Kills You(Edited)

I was in my dad's office, eating. He ordered pizza so I wasn't going to dodge this.

Pizza is just so damn good. 

"Do you like it?" He asked while I was wolfing down slices of Pizza.

"Yep, it's erm, really nice," I said, looking at my watch. It was nearly time for Matt's football practice and since every time I see him, I make a mean comment, I need to start being his friend.

For Hans, obviously. 

"Cerina, do you need to be somewhere?" He said when he noticed me looking at my watch. 

"Erm, I'm sure it could wait." I smiled and took another bite of the pizza.

"And it's Cece," I added. 

He smiled. "I don't know why I always call you Cerina." He said. "So, I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday."

I froze. Shoot, how am I going to explain to me running to my bed looking depressed? 

"Erm. I missed my mum." I lied.

Actually, it wasn't a complete lie. I kind of did miss her even though she didn't bother calling me for once.

"Oh." He said. He was about to say something but then closed his mouth.

I looked at my watch again. Wow, time goes fast, I thought sarcastically.

"You could go if you want." He said. "I can clear everything up here."

"You sure?" I asked feeling embarrassed for leaving everything in a mess for dad to clean up but he just nodded with a smile, getting my bag. He nodded again.

"Sure. Where are you going anyways?" I bit my lip.

"Erm, I need to go to study for Finals." I lied again.

He knew that I had to leave for another but he didn't say anything.  

I loved this feeling. My mum asks so many questions before I go out but my dad doesn't.

It's because my dad trusts me. And I love that. I smiled. 

I ran outside to see Hans, Matt and a couple of his friends walking out of school to the field. 

"Hans!" I shouted while calling him.

He heard me and looked back. And Matt did. I ran to him, out of breath.

"Can I come with you all too?" Hans smiled but Matt looked at me, suspiciously.

"Sure, I guess," Hans said looking at Matt.

"I mean, I've got nothing else to do so I thought I might hang with you guys if that's-" I was interrupted.

"Do you know how to play football?" Matt interrupted. 

"Erm, not that mu-" I was interrupted again! Ugh!

"Yes or No?" He said, in an annoyed tone.

I bit my lip. "No?"

He rolled his eyes. "Then there's no point for you to come with us." He looked annoyed.

Maybe I wasn't doing the right thing and instead of making Matt happy, I'm making him annoyed. I smiled and tried to hide that I was hurt.

"You're right. What was I thinking?" I put my hand through my hair, nervously.

"Have fun." I turned my back on them and walked away. 

"Wait!" he shouted making me look back at them. Matt put his hand through his hair.

"Fine, you can come." I smiled at his remark. They made their way out of school and I followed behind them. 




"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!?" I shouted. 

Matt smiled. "For the last time, I want you to get the footballs from the forest."

"But it's dark out there," Hans said, helping me out. 

"Look, if you don't want to do it, that's fine!" He shouted. He looked pissed off. 

I sighed. He was doing this because he wanted to seek revenge for the way I treat him. And if this made him happy, then I have to do it. He was going through a lot already. 

"Fine. I'll do it." I said finally giving up. Everyone looked at me, shocked. Even Matt looked shocked for a second. 

"Cece, you don't need to do this," Hans said. He looked at Matt. "Matt, tell her she doesn't have to do this." He shrugged.

"Hans, I'll be fine. It's just a few footballs. Don't worry." I gave him a smile. I got a bag I made my way to the forest. I looked back. Everyone was getting ready for their game.

I saw Matt looking at me, there was something in his gaze which made me look back at him.