Hope She Is Safe(edited)

{Before the accident}

**Hans pov**

Everyone started dancing on the dance floor, I just sighed and moved towards the drinks bar to have some drink.

Suddenly, someone tapped on my shoulder from behind.

I turned around and saw a beautiful girl with a white mask on her face which matched her fair skin. She was thin, and her height was only a bit smaller than me.

She smiled and said,

"Would you like to dance with me? I can't find a partner for myself." She said and smiled sweetly.

"Oh sure, why not." I said while raising my brow.

I escorted her towards the dance floor. She held my hand professionally. Matt and I had learned to dance when we were small, so I am able to adjust myself on the dance floor a bit.

I positioned myself and put my hand on her hand. She smiled and started moving, I followed her steps and soon realized that she can dance very nicely.

"You dance very well. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Oh, my name is Daisy Smith. What's your good name?" She asked me.

"Hans Parker." I said.

I twirled her thrice and again started dancing with her.

"Your moves are wonderful, have you had any lessons before?" I asked her.

"No nothing like that, actually I take coaching of contemporary dance, I also know a bit of hip-hop dance styles." she explained, and I nodded in appreciation.

"Woah sounds amazing. You take classes at present too?" I asked her.

"Yes I do. I want to become a professional dancer in future that's why…haha sorry I abruptly came and asked you for dance... I wasn't able to find a partner at all..." she said while shrugging a bit.

"Oh it's alright, I myself was expecting to have someone I could dance with and it's great that you have a dream you can aim at." I said.

I was continuously gazing in her eyes and she was gazing back, here is this weird feeling I can't predict what is it.

Suddenly my attention from her got distracted as a loud shrill voice came nearby, I saw and found CeCe lying there below this huge chandelier around a pool of blood.

I gasped in horror, soon Matt signaled me and Ryan to lift the chandelier away from her.

I left Daisy's side, I looked back and saw her as shock as everyone was. I helped Ryan push the chandelier away and Matt took CeCe in rush to the hospital.

I suddenly noticed a burned device on the chain of the chandelier, as soon as the police arrived I told them about the device and they told everyone to return to the dorms and apartment so that they can investigate the matter.

I hope CeCe is safe.


At present--

**Matt's pov**

"Doctor is she safe!?" I asked the doctor as he came out of the operation theater after three hours.

CeCe's dad also arrived a while ago.

"She is safe for now but we will have to observe her condition for some time. Her consciousness hasn't returned, she lost a lot of blood and her right leg was badly injured. She had few scratches on her left leg too. But don't worry, she will get well soon. Now if you please allow me to take my leave." the doctor explained and turned to leave.

"Doctor! Can we go and see her!?" CeCe's dad asked him.

"Yes as soon as she is shifted to her ward, you can see her but please don't make voice and make her very tensed. It might even push her in critical condition." The doctor warned us and we nodded. As soon as the doctor left Miss Lisa, Ryan, Luna and Hans arrived at the hospital.

I explained her condition to them and sighed and sat on the chair nearby.

Ryan and Hans told me about the burned device which was fixed with the chain of the chandelier.

Hmm...so this was all planned..who must have done this...

I looked at CeCe's dad, he seemed very sad and tensed with his hands on his head...no can't be her dad..then who!?

Everyone left, I forced CeCe's dad to leave too so that he could take some rest and his health doesn't deteriorate too.

I stayed behind and kept an eye on CeCe.