Is She Safe?

They waited and waited, after four hours, the door of operation theater finally opened.

The doctor came out and started removing his gloves.

"D-Doctor! Is my mum safe!? Is she safe now!?" Cerina panicked and asked the doctor about her mum's condition.

"*Sigh* We successfully saved her and took out the bullet from her stomach. There were no major injuries in the internal organs. Her body will slowly recover in some time. But.." Doctor explained but suddenly went reluctant to say out his words.

"But what..!?" Cerina asked the doctor.

"Because of shock and a stroke supply of blood in her brain reduced resulting in Comatose...your mother went in coma state." Doctor explained and rushed to his office to make reports.

Cerina was shocked..she felt her legs wobble and she fell on the cold floor of the hospital.

"M-My..mum..." Cerina whispered.

Matt held her shoulders and picked her up. Her eyes were blank and moist with tears, her expression was sorrowful and her voice was cold and full of cracks.

She suddenly lost her consciousness in Matt's arms and fainted.

Matt was shocked. He took her to doctor instantly and she was also hospitalized.

The doctor informed them that she fainted because of fatigue, stress and shock.

Everyone was relieved as everyone feared if Cerina had any serious problem.

Mary was hospitalized. She didn't move, didn't open her eyes and didn't even showed any hints of waking up.

Layla came hospital with food. After having some food, Hans, Jimmy, Daisy and Layla left from the hospital. Steve and Matt stayed behind in case of any emergency.

Just the next day, Cerina woke up and immediately asked Matt about her mother's condition. He sighed and shook his head slightly. Cerina slumped her shoulders sadly. Matt rubbed her hair and sighed.

"Cheer up, eat this food. You haven't had anything since yesterday. You just had breakfast yesterday!" Matt exclaimed acting like he's angry.

"Mhm..I will have food but first let me see my mum first.." Cerina said and Matt nodded in approval.

She visited her mother and had her food.

She rested the rest of the day.