
Dong FengAn walked out of the villa hosting the reunion, and drunkly reached out to the car Xia YeHan sent to pick her up.

"Madam, be careful ".

The driver warned gently helping her into the car, and got on himself. After making sure her seatbelt was on, he drove off.

'Yeh Luo ah...Yeh Luo, why must you be so cruel to me, why…'

Dong FengAn mumbled, tears running down her face. She wasn't really drunk, just in shock. 

Dong FengAn and Yeh Luo were childhood friends; Dong FengAn was there for Yeh Luo when he lost everything, when no one believed him, when he had no one, ….Dong FengAn gave him all her inheritance. But look how Yeh Luo repaid Dong FengAn, with false promise and betrayal.

For Yeh Luo's sake, Dong FengAn had obediently let Yeh Luo coaxed her into swapping with Dong Yue to marry Xia YeHan, when Dong Yue went abroad in defiance to the unwanted marriage. How many times had Dong Yue used her, but all for Yeh Luo's sake Dong FengAn endured.

Now that she thinks of it everything must have been planned by Dong Yue. Dong Yue had always used Yeh Luo to pressure her into doing things. Dong Yue and the Dong family had all used her, abandoned her and taken Yeh Luo from her.

 YehYue the second leading fashion industry in the country, should have been hers and Yeh Luo's but even that was taken away. That company originally called 'WuAn' was all Dong FengAn's mother had and it was all Dong FengAn's mother had given her upon her death. 

Some might not understand why Dong FengAn had sacrificed so much for Yeh Luo's sake. Yeh Luo was her savior. When Dong FengAn's mother died the Dong family ignored her existence, Yeh Luo was the one who took care of her. They only had each other. Until the Dong family found out her mother's company net worth.

'Her mother…'

The only person other than Yeh Luo who cared about her even if it was short lived, as she had died when Dong FengAn was five. The sweet, kind woman, who worried for her even at her death bed. Now she has let her down, letting her mortal enemies claim and own her hard work. 

'Mother...I let you down, am sorry.'

Mother...ahhh, to think the woman wasn't even her mother and she isn't the real Dong FengAn.

She was a soul so tightly strung by love and hate to a love triangle from her previous lifetime. She, Gao Mei was Yeh Luo's fiancée; Gao Mei loved Yeh Luo but Yeh Luo Loved Dong Yue. She sacrificed herself going through thick and thin with Yeh Luo, helping him pave an easy way to success. When Gao Mei's hard work paid off, Dong Yue came into the picture schemed against Gao Mei until Yeh Luo hated her.

For some reasons due to the entanglement of love and hate Gao Mei couldn't reincarnate in her next life. Gao Mei could only wander as a ghost that was until she took advantage of Dong FengAn's body.

When the real Dong FengAn was born in this world as a baby, for some reason her soul was weak, so weak Gao Mei stole the real Dong FengAn's body right under her nose. Gao Mei grew up as Dong FengAn thinking that the real Dong FengAn must be dead if she could take her body, ...right?

...Or so she thought.

The car swayed a little barely missing a pothole, Gao Mei who had just drunkenly sat up bump her head on the cars door groaned in pain.


The driver broke in cold sweat at the sound of the madam's painful groan. His master, the big boss would make sure he wouldn't be able to keep his little life if anything happened to the madam.

"Are you alright madam"?

"Xiao Bo, don't worry…" Gao Mei replied, more worried about the way to live her life from this moment on, than her swollen head.

Xiao Bo wiped off his sweat in relief, happy he had not incurred the big boss anger.

That was when a small sedan came out of nowhere, causing Xiao Bo to swerve the car out of the way in an effort to avoid an accident. 

Xiao Bo and Gao Mei had just breathed out a sigh of relief; they had avoided the sedan filled with what seemed like drunken youngsters. Gao Mei in her drunken stupor worried about those reckless youngsters, wondering if they may fall into an unfortunate accident.

Xiao Bo drove carefully as they neared a junction, scared he might not be able to avoid some reckless youngsters next time. But as it seems Xiao Bo was out of luck.

 As a Cargo truck came out of God knows where at such alarming speed heading towards their car. Xiao Bo and Gao Mei but broke in cold sweat, shaken in fear. Gao Mei felt so clear headed by the rush of adrenaline; she could tell they might lose their life tonight.

The lane they were on was a one way lane. The cargo truck was heading towards them, meaning he was on the wrong lane. That in itself wasn't the cause of their fear. The fact was that they had no were to go, other than to keep reversing as fast as they could. Which Xiao Bo was doing, he knew deep down they won't get out of this unscathed.

Gao Mei palms got sweaty, her spine cold, body trembling in fear. Gao Mei could hear her heart beating as loud as the fire works on New Year festival. 'No-no…, I can't die. I don't want to die, I don't want to die' the cargo truck speed kept increasing, that along with the downhill slope of the lane aid the cargo's truck speed.

'The real Dong FengAn, am sorry. I Gao Mei, will repay you this worlds debt in the next life.'

The cargo truck increased speed crushing into them as they helplessly try to avoid it, but alas! 

The force of the cargo truck slamming unto them threw their car a few yards away. While the cargo truck swerved and fell on its side bursting into flames. 

Xiao Bo and Gao Mei watched all these happen in slow motion, just like they show in Hollywood block buster's. They lost consciousness when the car landed upside down.


"President Zhou"

The tall handsome man stopped on his track. Turned around to see the head nurse running towards him.

"President Zhou, there's a p-patient from a car accident on city lane. The patient looks like big boss wife…"

President Zhou's peach blossom eyes narrowed, dangerously.

"Let's go".

The head nurse leaned on the wall, breath uneven from the sprint she had just been in. She hasn't run this fast for a while, she slowly trail after President Zhou.


In an office, on the top floor of a high end Company, stood who could be called the capitals King, the kings-of-kings. He stood by his office floor length french  window. Xia YeHan looked down at the capital from his lofty position, like a king over his subjects. Feng Inc. a company with a net-worth in trillions of dollars, which took up a huge amount of space as it stood at the middle of the capital, it was used by the government as the capitals landmark, due to the impressive architecture. It was a mix of modern and ancient architecture.

Xia YeHan personal phone rang, breaking the silence.

"Brother Xia, your wife is at the hospital. She got into a car accident".

The cold aura Xia YeHan was emitting became bone freezing, after hearing the bad news. Xia YeHan hung up.

He called his right hand man Gu Tian, pass some instructions to Xiao Si and left for the hospital.

As Gu Tian drove he tried his best to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. 

'What a good madam always causing trouble' Gu Tian sneered in his heart.

Ever since the madam married over life had not been easy for Gu Tian or the other servants, in short life in the Xia villa was stifling.

The madam was always provoking master, unaware that although master doesn't talk much, the quiter he got, the more dangerous he is.

Madam is always causing trouble, even when at the Xia manor she caused a lot of trouble. Somehow madam managed to earn everyone's hatred.

Gu Tian just couldn't understand the madam, she had all a woman could ask for. All she and to do was ask for something and she would have it. In the first year of their marriage, master always got good things for madam whenever he was on a business trip. Master softened for the madam, ...she broke his heart. 

She had the big boss favour, but she tossed it for some lowly dogs sake. To think that dog was the lowest of the low.

If Gu Tian was asked to express his disappointment in madam, he could turn it into a memoir.


 Xiao Bo got the shorter end of the stick pertaining the accident.

"His legs may never recover completely".

Xia YeHan glanced at Zhou JieLi in condemnation.

Zhou JieLi felt wronged. " Am not God you know, there's only so much humans can do". He defended his honour as a doctor.

Poor Zhou JieLi always faced Xia YeHan's condensation when ever he couldn't automatically cure an ailment. Who dared to treat President Zhou, the head of morden medical organization with such contempt. They were also venturing into TCM. So Zhou JieLi wasn't someone one would want to offend.

Zhou JieLi just couldn't fathom, the reason why Xia YeHan disdained his expertise so much. He promised to one day have Xia YeHan beg for his service. could only wonder what his subordinate face would look like if they knew, what his biggest dream was.