Introduction And Author's Thoughts.

Hello! Thank you for picking up this story. If you liked it, please do comment,vote and review my story.

This is an isekai (transmigration) story with elements of fantasy. It's a little slow paced at first, but it will pick up later on (around chapter 4).

This page will become a glossary of terms and events in the coming future as the book gets updated ( mostly for me to remember and refer to in case I forget). It is set as an auxiliary chapter so it doesn't get mixed up.

I am open to discussion and criticism and would love to hear your opinions. I am not the best at English so I'll gladly listen if you have a better way to frame a sentence. If you notice any grammatical errors, please bring it to my notice so I can correct it otherwise it would be very embarrassing for me (I get shy easily).

Regarding updates, it will be daily unless there are unforseen circumstances (e.g. exams, poor internet connectivity, family functions, etc.). I usually update after 12 am at my place (Delhi timezone).

Please skip to the next chapter to continue on with the story. Do not refer to the glossary unless you like spoilers.


1) Voice Projection (Echo): A form of ventriloquism that makes use of a magic medium instead of air and is controlled by the part of the brain responsible for speech directly. Instead of sending signals to your vocal chords, they are sent outside the body to the desired locus. It may be sent to another person's brain or simply to the outside environment.

• Pronunciation and Character Guide •

• Father Ad (Uhd) - Nūh's father.

• Mother Yusra (yous-rah)- Nūh's mother.

• Nūh (Nooh) Male- the protagonist. Formerly named Adam.

• Jo (Joe) Male- second-in-command to Father Ad.

• Bin/ Binyamin (Bin-ya-min) Male- Nūh's naughty and hyper brother.

• Sarah (Sah-rah) Female- Nūh's very sassy sister.

• Yahya (Yah-yaa) (the yah is similar to the "Hiyah!" the thing some people shout while fighting) Male- Nūh's brother who is always the good boy. Easily gets extra treats from adults.

• Ana (Anna)/ Saffana ( Suf-faa-na) Female- Nūh's cute little sister who can easily overpower Yahya (not that he will admit it). Always competing to be the most obedient and good pup.

•Halima (Huh-lee-mah) (Huh like in the word Hulk) Female- The fluffiest and tiniest of Nūh's siblings. A very meek and shy girl.

•Lutfi (Loot-fee) Male- A nice, boy-next-door big brother Elf who is a friend of the wolves.

•Hana (Hannah/Hunna) Female- Lutfi's little sister. Elvin.