A Visit From The Elves.

Lutfi was a very friendly elf. He gushed over the cute pups and petted them. Nūh found it awkward to be touched by someone else like he was a kid and he was also mentally an adult.

But he had to admit that being scratched behind the ears where he couldn't reach felt good.

Lutfi brought out a comb from one of his many pockets and brushed through their fuzzy fur. Nūh appreciated it very much. He considered coming to meet him often just to have his fuzz brushed out.

He sadly reminisced the days when he had hands and swatted a pebble away, moping his inability to clean and groom himself. Oh, what would he give just to have a shower!

The elf tied some fruits together with twine and hung them around Jo's neck for him to take back to the den. Then he mashed up some of the pulp on a stone and let the puppies have a taste.

They were sweet and slightly tart and smelled like apples. All of them wagged their tails in delight as they tried to eat off his hand.

Nūh wondered why they were on friendly terms with him. From what he remembered from videogames, elves and humans usually hunted the wolves or it was otherwise the other way round.

It was nearing dusk. The sun was soon to set. They parted ways with the pups wishing he came along too. They brushed against his ankles asking him not to go.

Nūh also wanted to spend more time with the elf. It wasn't everyday you get to see such a fantastical creature. Oh, well. He would have more chances in the future.

At least he confirmed that it was a very different world. Since there were elves, there should very well be many other creatures too. Dragons, perhaps?

They reached home yawning tiredly. Their first trip was far to exciting and long for their tiny bodies. Mother Yusra ushered them back to the den and fed them till they were drowsy and satisfied.

The next day was a surprise for the puppies. The big brother elf had come to visit them! He also brought along his little sister.

She was small in stature with braided locks and wooden jewellery.

Her small nose and ears far too long for her face made her look adorable. She had silver belled anklets that tinkled with every step.

The only strange thing was that her ears were gently wrapped with a thin, white cloth.

The siblings had brought along two cane baskets. Lutfi handed his over to Father Ad and Mother Ad came over to calm down the cubs.

As Lutfi discussed something's with Father Ad, the young elfin, Hana, opened her basket and took out an assortment of tools. They were strange and of various sizes.

She lay them on a large, flat stone rock and began arranging them.

As Nūh curiously watched her, she smiled at him and stroked his nose.

A while later, another older looking elf came. He joined the senior pack member's discussion.

They spoke in whispers while the wolves sometimes used their echoes and other times, small grunts and barks.

The discussion concluded. Lutfi picked up two of the cubs. Mother Yusra had Halima in her mouth. Jo, Father Ad and another female wolf also held the rest of them.

There was a small stream of water nearby where the wolves frequently drank from. Softly running and tumbling over pebbles; it's sides were bordered by reeds. Moss covered stones concealed tiny, wee critters and the guppies swam merrily.

The little spring emerged from a mound of broken stone and ran for a long distance making the forest plains fertile and abundant.

The elderly elf brought out a large stone basin from a tree hollow and filled it with spring water. They were solemn and quiet. None of the wolves made a sound.

Lutfi unwrapped a piece of paper and emptied the contents into the water. He stirred it and it changed colour.

Nūh felt like they were going to perform some sort of ceremony. He waited for them to start some mumbo-jumbo. He waited and waited as the elves busied themselves.

There was no mumbo-jumbo.

There were no spells or rituals.

It was a bath.

Bin, Sarah, Yahya, Ana, Halima and Nūh were forcefully bathed.

They all, except Nūh, created a din as they were washed and scrubbed. Biting and scratching, they fought for their lives.

"What new torture was this?" Was the only thought that ran through the minds of the five.

All the goodwill they felt towards the elves disappeared and they begged their parents to rescue them.

Nūh just had one thought," Where was the promised abracadabra?"

Bathtime turned to playtime. They began to splash about, wetting the poor elves and made a mess. Once they were properly washed, they were wrapped in towels brought by the little elf.

They were taken back to the wolf nest and dried on a ledge where the sun shone the brightest. Their fur was brushed and cut shorter. Nails were cleaned and lice were taken care of.

The old elf checked their teeth and made them chew some bitter leaves. All of them wanted to spit it out but one look from their Mother made them tearfully put them back in their mouths full of revulsion.

"Well, at least we have dental care," thought a well-groomed, shiny nosed Nūh.


• Pronunciation Guide •

• Lutfi (Loot- fee) Male.

• Hana (Hannah)( Hunna) Female.

Note: Unedited.

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