Finding His Princess First

Seeing Angela's expression—appearing so nonchalant about what she just said to him—drove Gael mad. He twisted his upper body to the right so that he was facing her diagonally and placed an arm around the backrest of her seat, his eyes never leaving hers for a second.

"How is it that you're so brave while saying that to my face when you already know who I am?" he questioned, his voice low and dangerous as his fierce grey eyes locked with hers.

She would be lying if she didn't admit to herself that she felt a chill run down her spine—what with the way he was to her now. He was never like this before—it was as if he was doing this to her on purpose. Was it his point to scare her?

Angela clenched her right hand that was hidden at the side where he couldn't see. Then she answered casually, "Why? What are you gonna do? Kill me?"

His jaw ticked at her question, and his eyes darkened.