Mafia (1)

Mafia is a party game that's best played with a large group of players.

And Gael was not fond of this game. One, because of the name. Two, because of the game itself—he thought it was a mockery of their family. Three, it could take a long time to finish one game.

But Angela thought otherwise. As soon as she heard what the game was, her eyes lit up like a child who was given candy after bedtime.

"Oh, I love Mafia. That sounds like fun!" she cheered just before she hiccupped. 

How adorable. 'Are you sure you 'love Mafia'? I don't think you know what it really is,' Gael said in his thought.

Lucas, who was also an underboss himself, cackled at Angela's excitement. He probably thought the innocent woman was too cute to act excited in front of them. Glancing at Gael, he remarked with a mischievous tone, "I can see that… I bet you will love this game too."