There you are (1)

Parking the car in front of a large studio, Gael alighted the vehicle and scanned the modern building. The studio occupied the whole building, but it didn't have signage on it, so no one would know what it was unless they knew its purpose from someone in the studio. It was his first time coming here, so he didn't know what to find inside.

Entering the premises, he searched for a familiar face but found no one. There were a few people around, looking busy with papers or devices in hand as they moved from here to there.

"Excuse me, where can I find Becca Wise?" he asked the female staff behind the front desk, taking off his dark sunglasses and folding them into the collar of his shirt. 

She had a lollipop in her mouth as she read through a graphic novel, answering without looking up from her book, "Do you have an appointment?"
