A Bo-tey for His Girlfriend

A loud horn startled Angela while she had a hand on the taxi's door handle while the other held her phone as she read Gael's text.

She turned to look at the driver just in time that he yelled at her, "Lady! I can't wait all day for you!"

"Oh, my god! Fine. Go!" she spat in frustration as she stepped back and stomped her foot. How could this driver be so mean? She was still thinking over a life or death situation!

"Wastin' ma time!" The driver sped off into the traffic.

Angela felt terrible as soon the words left her mouth. She didn't mean to throw a fit at the driver, but his nagging gave her too much pressure. He wasn't even there for longer than ten seconds, and he was already like that.

Releasing out a sigh, she shouted, "Sorry!!!"

And the taxi beeped the horn in response.