Daddy's Honey

Angela watched as Gael played with the small dog in his arms. This was totally unexpected. For the life of her, she couldn't have put two and two together. Who would have thought that this… thing was 'Honey'?

The little furball wagged its tail back and forth, indicating that it was happy to see its owner. The pupper was so small that an infant would seem to be bigger than it. Heck—Gael carried Honey with one hand only while he scratched its belly with the other. It felt like they were in their own little bubble for a minute, and Angela was an unwelcome guest who was invading their time—she felt out of place.

Gael glanced at Angela, sensing her confused state, but he only slightly grinned and asked, "You okay?"

"This is… Honey?" she probed, her tone careful and curious.
