Naughty Angel Gets Her Revenge

Half an hour later, Gael and Rick were pulling up on the driveway of his house. He didn't get out of his car right away, keeping his hands on the steering wheel and his head thrown back on the rest. Sensing Rick waiting for him on the side of his car, he alighted and headed to the front door. 

"Everything okay, Boss?" asked Rick.


"Yeah. Just tired. Didn't get much sleep last night." Gael opened the front door. Before he entered, he turned to Riccardo and questioned, "Have you heard anything from the borders?"

"Nothing on their end, Boss. Leos could be coming in by air."

"Keep our men awake. We don't want any surprises." He stepped into the foyer and entered the living room, his eyes scanning the empty place. It had always been empty before Angela, but it felt even emptier without her here now.