Waiting Isn't Fun

The men left Angela's apartment at nearly ten in the evening. Gael expressed his reluctance in leaving by lingering at the door. He kept his hands in his pockets, afraid that if he touched her, he'd end up staying behind and staying the night again. 

As much as he wanted never to leave her side, he couldn't impose and push her too hard, too fast. They already had something good between them, and he might screw it up if he overstayed his welcome. 

"Thank you for helping me out today. I know I already said that a couple of times earlier, but I feel like a thank you just isn't enough. I don't think I'd be able to finish even half of them today if I did it alone—what with my clumsiness." She wiggled her fingers and softly chuckled. "You guys are sent from heaven."

He smiled. "And like I said, it's not a big deal. I'm sure they enjoyed today as well. We do charity work too, so this was a pleasure for us to donate our time and effort."