The Manor (4)

"What are you gonna do when you see him?" Giovanni asked Gael as soon as they sat down on the leather seats of their private booth. 

The couch's premium feel was so comfortable that Gael slumped on it and stretched his long legs outward. Today had been a really long day, and he actually looked forward to going back home with Angela. It hadn't even been a minute since he left the booth, and he already missed having his hands on her. He had Trigger to look after her while he was away, but he'd only feel at ease if he was the one near her. He looked in her direction, and she was talking to Val, her head slowly nodding at whatever they're talking about.

"I don't know," he answered without looking Giovanni's way, still watching Angela from the other booth. "When is he going back to Australia?"

"We'll have to ask him that when he arrives. He'll probably want to leave after the new year. When is Gabby coming?"