A Creep, A Thief, A Sniffer

Angela woke up when the pilot announced that they were about to land in Mayne City, Esmea soon. She fluttered her eyes open nearly the same time that Gael did. Her gaze immediately dropped to his lips, and her core began to throb, recalling the time when those lips were on her. 

The last time she remembered was that that beautiful mouth gave her the most amazing orgasm in a long while. She couldn't remember when she had that kind of pleasure—well, actually, she did. It was three years ago. And what do you know? The man whose mouth belonged to was the same man who gave it to her that night—oh, he gave it to her good.

She tentatively reached up to trace Gael's lips, and then its corners curled up into a smirk as though he knew what she was thinking about. Even his smile was so damn sexy. It wasn't fair that she was getting wet again.

"You fell asleep," he said the obvious. "Well, more like—you passed out."