A Hopeful Night

The look on Angela's aunt and cousin was epic. They gaped at Gael, who stood tall and majestic before them—probably a little over the top, but he'd like to think of himself like so.

The pair blinked with their jaws hung as if they had forgotten how to communicate. Linda received his brief handshake. 

It wasn't until Angela uttered his name that the women seemed to have snapped out of their trance or whatever vortex they got sucked into. 


He looked at her and curled his lips into a smile. God, she was beautiful—is—will be—always. It's like every time he'd already be prepared to see her, but when he actually did, he'd still be surprised at how ethereal she looked. Every. Single. Fûcking. Time.  Was she even aware of it? Because if she wasn't, he'd definitely love to remind her.