Happy Cookie (3)

In the kitchen of Gael's brownstone, Angela sat at the island counter on a high stool that she insisted on sitting, despite him telling her it was dangerous because she kept swaying. In front of her was a spread of a box of twenty McNuggets, a container of what looked like a kilo of French fries, ice-cream sundae, and cola. Her head bobbed in rhythm, and he assumed there was a Spice Girls concert happening in her head while she ate her munchies.

She stared at nothing in particular, her hands never empty since she started eating as soon as they arrived at his home—a nugget in her right hand and a handful of fries in the left. In between chewing, she'd sip the soda that's right in front of her, using the straw sticking upward, before she'd dip the fries into the sundae and then shoving them into her mouth—all of them in a cycle.