Like a Painful Waterfall

Gael began heading towards the area where Trigger lost Angela. It was still rush hour in Manhattan, and the streets were packed with pedestrians, making it hard to look for her.

His men split up as he dialed her phone. "Come on. Pick up."

It felt like forever when the ringing went on, but she didn't answer. He could only hope that nothing happened to her. Gael redialed for the second time, his heart racing at a maddening speed as he furiously searched for her left and right while fear crept up his spine. 

And then the call went through.

His steps faltered as he listened to the other end of the line. Continuous sobbing and noisy chatter barked in his ear. "Angel…"

"H…Hello…" The sound of her heavy breathing caused him both relief and worry.

He sighed. "Where are you?"

Still sobbing, she took the time to answer. "I… I don't know… I can't see."