Sexy, Dangerous and Home

Angela held Nina's face between her hands and squeezed until her friend's lips puckered. They were at the VVIP's bathroom which was exclusive to the patrons in the VVIP lounge and located right next to it. Even the bathroom was luxurious and glitzy. 

"Ninz. That's Gio…"


Angela stared at her best friend without responding, sighed, and then lowered her hands. It had been over an hour since Nina smoked that blunt and had a couple of drinks after that. The two had been so flirty with each other. Nina was very touchy whenever she was high.

Nina beamed at her. "Oh, don't worry, Anj. We're just flirting. It's harmless. What are you so concerned about?"

"He's a De Luca, and you can deny it, but there's part of you that's a Morelli. Also, he's…" She bit her bottom lip.