Catching up With the Past (1)

At lunchtime, Gabriella came to the hospital, bringing food that Nana and Alice prepared. The four of them ate while they talked about the hilarious times they had growing up and when J and Mika joined the De Lucas.

Angela enjoyed listening to their stories and couldn't help but share some of her and Oliver's mischiefs when they were kids.

It wasn't lost on Angela that there was something off about Gabriella—as if she wasn't her usual bright self. The younger one always looked cheerful. Though Gabby smiled most of the time that day, Angela noticed that she'd often check her phone and nervously twisted the bracelet on her right hand.

Gael apparently noticed it too because he asked her what's wrong, but Gabriella shook her head and smiled, saying it was nothing—that she just didn't have enough sleep last night. He narrowed his eyes at her like he didn't believe it—though he chose to drop the subject.