What He Knows (2)

"I was in New York City for business. Your grandfather assigned me there for a year to take care of a possible expansion. That didn't work out in the end but while I was there, I met your mother." Charlie breathed in, a small hint of a smile curling on his lips as he stared at nothing in particular—like he was watching the events unfold in his head.

"Your mother was beautiful… She still is, I'm sure. But she was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. You look just like her, Angela. Long dark brown hair, bright eyes, perpetual smile. She made heads turn wherever she went." He smiled at his daughter. "We were in the same building. Her father's office was on the top floor and she would visit him sometimes. After a few natural encounters in the building, I asked her out to lunch and we started dating after that."

"Did you already know who she was then? I mean…that she was in the Bratva?" Angela wondered.