Inclination to the World of Darkness

Tuesday — January 22

Angela woke to the sound of a vacuum cleaner outside her door. She was a little disoriented, unsure what time or day it was or where she was, feeling like she fell into a time warp. Only when she looked down at herself and saw that she was naked under the blanket with the vibrator next to her leg did she remember what happened last night.

She was certain she didn't drink that much, so she couldn't have been too intoxicated to have imagined everything. Her cheeks flushed when she squirmed and felt the sticky remnants of last night's sordid details between her thighs. Holy pretzels. Did that really happen?

Scrambling for her phone on the bed, she worried that it was all just a product of her thorough research and creative imagination. But when she finally found her phone and saw the application on screen with the summary of their call, her breathing slowed down, and she let out a sigh. Gael really did call her.