
The patrons in the club started panicking. Some screamed while others gave the bar area a wide berth. Usually, the guards would stop the fight if some patrons started it and throw them out of the club. This time though, the soldiers in suits formed some kind of a semi-circle around their bosses, not allowing anyone else to come near them—as if they were having an officiated fight in a ring.

"Here we go again." Trigger sighed as he stood at the end of the bar, watching the show several feet before them. "Twenty bucks says Gio will end up with a black eye."

"Ha!" Salvatore, Giovanni's lieutenant, scoffed. "Make that fifty. Gio will retaliate on that busted lip and do the same to Seb."

Rick, who was casually going over some receipts behind the bar, joined in. "Double or nothing. All three of them will get a black eye. And Sebastian will be clingy when Boss leaves tonight."