Cabin (7)

Katherine turned on the two-way video conference on the tablet. Then she introduced her friend named Styles, who, according to Damien, was an IT expert. Katherine said they usually didn't do videos with people they just met because apparently, Styles was sort of hiding. From who, they didn't elaborate. However, Katherine thought that Angela might trust Styles more if she saw his face.

Styles didn't look like what Angela thought an IT expert would look like. He looked to be about her age—wore a pair of black-framed glasses, a navy blue and white striped button-down shirt, and coiffed hair. His features reminded her of Matt Bomer. Styles stared at her, his lips opening and closing as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out.

Angela glanced at Gael before looking back at Styles, a little baffled as she subtly waved at him in greeting. "Uh… Hi?"

"H… H…" Styles cleared his throat and looked sideways.