In Which It Was All up to Him Now

Gael smiled at Angela and reached out to her as he came closer and then pulled her towards their little group. "Babe, this is my friend Savannah. Sav, this is Angela Su."

Savannah gave her a once-over—from head to toe as if assessing her—before smiling and saying, "Hello," and nothing else.

Angela kept a stoic expression and a slight smile as she returned the greeting.

From her periphery, she could see Gael and Giovanni exchanging nervous glances. Then Giovanni cleared his throat, looped an arm around Savannah's shoulder as he said, "Savannah's the best lawyer I've ever…met." He cast a dirty smirk towards her.

Savannah rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest before glancing at her watch. "Are we doing this or what?"

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"The airplane food was subpar, I didn't finish it. Now, I'm hungry. I need to eat to function properly or you'll deal with my mood the whole day."