In Which They Notice Something

Angela recalled a time when Gabriella told her Mariano was hot—that was before J's death and her wedding with the enemy. The girl wasn't lying. Mariano had long dark hair that he effortlessly styled as if he couldn't be bothered; some strands fell down the left side of his face that nearly covered his eyes, which looked blue but also greyish. He had a sharp nose and a couple-days-old scruff on his jaw that made him look more mature than his age.

Gael told Angela that Mariano was twenty-nine years old. The latter also carried a confident air with him that bordered on arrogance as he stepped into the foyer to follow Gabriella inside. He wore a black turtleneck sweater that was loose around the neck under his black trench coat. Yeah, Mariano was indeed a looker, but for Angela, Gael was way, way hotter, of course. Come on. No one was better than Gael.

Angela made the first introduction after closing the door. "You're Mariano, right? I'm Angela."